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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Administration Guide

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Document Information

Before You Start

Starting and Stopping Your Server Instance

Configuring the Server Instance

Configuring the Proxy Components

Configuring Security Between Clients and Servers

Getting SSL Up and Running Quickly

To Accept SSL-Based Connections Using a Self-Signed Certificate

Configuring Key Manager Providers

Key Manager Provider Overview

Using the JKS Key Manager Provider

To Generate the Private Key

To Self-Sign the Certificate

To Sign the Certificate by Using an External Certificate Authority

To Configure the JKS Key Manager Provider

Using the PKCS #12 Key Manager Provider

Using the PKCS #11 Key Manager Provider

Configuring Trust Manager Providers

Overview of Certificate Trust Mechanisms

Using the Blind Trust Manager Provider

Using the JKS Trust Manager Provider

Using the PKCS #12 Trust Manager Provider

Configuring Certificate Mappers

Using the Subject Equals DN Certificate Mapper

Using the Subject Attribute to User Attribute Certificate Mapper

Using the Subject DN to User Attribute Certificate Mapper

Using the Fingerprint Certificate Mapper

Configuring SSL and StartTLS for LDAP and JMX

Configuring the LDAP and LDAPS Connection Handlers

To Enable a Connection Handler

To Specify a Connection Handler's Listening Port

To Specify a Connection Handler's Authorization Policy

To Specify a Nickname for a Connection Handler's Certificate

To Specify a Connection Handler's Key Manager Provider

To Specify a Connection Handler's Trust Manager Provider

To Enable StartTLS Support

To Enable SSL-Based Communication

Enabling SSL in the JMX Connection Handler

Using SASL Authentication

Supported SASL Mechanisms

Authorization IDs

SASL Options for the ANONYMOUS Mechanism

SASL Options for the CRAM-MD5 Mechanism

SASL Options for the DIGEST-MD5 Mechanism

SASL Options for the EXTERNAL Mechanism

SASL Options for the GSSAPI Mechanism

SASL Options for the PLAIN Mechanism

Configuring SASL Authentication

Configuring SASL External Authentication

Configuring SASL DIGEST-MD5 Authentication

Configuring SASL GSSAPI Authentication

Configuring Kerberos and the Sun OpenDS Standard Edition Directory Server for GSSAPI SASL Authentication

To Configure Kerberos V5 on a Host

To Specify SASL Options for Kerberos Authentication

Example Configuration of Kerberos Authentication Using GSSAPI With SASL

Troubleshooting Kerberos Configuration

Testing SSL, StartTLS, and SASL Authentication With ldapsearch

ldapsearch Command Line Arguments Applicable To Security

Testing SSL

Testing StartTLS

Testing SASL External Authentication

Controlling Connection Access using Allowed and Denied Rules


Configuring Security Between the Proxy and the Data Source

Configuring Servers With the Control Panel

Managing Directory Data

Replicating Directory Data

Controlling Access To Data

Managing Users and Groups

Monitoring Sun OpenDS Standard Edition

Improving Performance

Advanced Administration

Using the JKS Key Manager Provider

The JKS keystore is the default keystore used by most JSSE implementations, and is the preferred keystore type in many environments. To configure the server to use this keystore type, you must first obtain a JKS keystore that contains a valid certificate. To do this, you can either generate a self-signed certificate or issue a certificate signing request to an existing Certificate Authority (CA) and import the signed certificate.

All of the steps described here require the use of the keytool utility, which is provided with the Java runtime environment. This utility is typically found in the bin directory below the root of the Java installation. For more information about using the keytool utility, see the official Java documentation . The keytool examples in the following sections use the keytool syntax provided with Java 1.5.

Using the JKS key manager provider involves the following:

  1. Generating the private key

  2. Self-signing the certificate, or using an external certificate authority to sign the certificate

  3. Configuring the JKS key manager provider

To Generate the Private Key

Whether you use a self-signed certificate or generate a certificate signing request, you must first generate a private key. You can do this using the keytool utility with the -genkey option. The following arguments can be used with this option:

To Self-Sign the Certificate

If the certificate is to be self-signed, use the -selfcert option. The most important arguments for use with this option include:

To Sign the Certificate by Using an External Certificate Authority

If the certificate is to be signed by an external certificate authority, you must first generate a certificate signing request (CSR) using the -certreq option. The CSR can be submitted to a certificate authority to be signed. The method for doing this, and the method for obtaining the signed certificate, might vary from one certificate authority to another.

When you receive the signed certificate from the Certificate Authority, import it into the keystore with the -import option.

  1. Use the -certreq option to obtain a certificate signing request.
    $ keytool -certreq -alias server-cert -file /tmp/server-cert.csr \
      -keystore config/keystore -keypass password -storetype JKS \
      -storepass password

    The arguments used with this command are as follows:

    • -alias alias. Specifies the name that should be used to refer to the certificate in the keystore. This name should be the same as the value used when creating the private key with the -genkey option.

    • -file path. Specifies the path to the file to which the CSR should be written. If this is not provided, the request will be written to standard output.

    • -keystore path. Specifies the path to the keystore file. The file will be created if it does not already exist.

    • -keypass password. Specifies the password that should be used to protect the private key in the keystore. If this is not provided, you will be interactively prompted for it.

    • -storepass password. Specifies the password that should be used to protect the contents of the keystore. If this is not provided, you will be interactively prompted for it.

    • -storetype type. Specifies the keystore type that should be used. For the JKS keystore, the value should always be JKS.

  2. Send the certificate request to an external certificate authority. The certificate authority will send you a signed certificate file. Save the file in /tmp/server-cert.txt
  3. Use the -import to import the signed certificate.
    $ keytool -import -alias server-cert -file /tmp/server-cert.cert \
      -keystore config/keystore -storetype JKS -storepass password

    The arguments used with this command are as follows:

    • -alias alias. Specifies the name that should be used to refer to the certificate in the keystore. This name should be the same as the value used when creating the private key with the -genkey option.

    • -file path. Specifies the path to the file containing the signed certificate. The file should be in either the DER-encoded binary format or the base64-encoded ASCII format as described in RFC 1421.

    • -keystore path. Specifies the path to the keystore file. The file will be created if it doesn't already exist.

    • -storepass password. Specifies the password that should be used to protect the contents of the keystore. If this is not provided, then you will be interactively prompted for it.

    • -storetype type. Specifies the keystore type that should be used. For the JKS keystore, the value should always be JKS.

To Configure the JKS Key Manager Provider

When you have created a JKS keystore containing a signed certificate (whether self-signed or signed by an external CA), you can configure the server to use that keystore by creating a key manager provider entry for that keystore.

This example defines an instance of a file-based key manager provider, using dsconfig to set the properties of the key manager provider. For details about the properties of the key manager provider, see the File Based Key Manager Provider Configuration.