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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Architectural Reference

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Document Information

1.  Introduction

2.  The Directory Server Access Control Model

3.  Understanding the Directory Server Schema

4.  Directory Server Index Databases

5.  Understanding Directory Server Plug-Ins

6.  Directory Server Replication

Overview of the Directory Server Replication Architecture

Basic Replication Architecture

Replication Servers

Replication Change Numbers

Replication Server State

Operation Dependencies

How Replication Works

Directory Server Change Processing

Change Replay

Auto Repair

Directory Server Crashes

Replication Server Crashes

Historical Information and Conflict Resolution

What is a Replication Conflict?

Resolving Modify Conflicts

Resolving Naming Conflicts

Purging Historical Information

Schema Replication

Schema Replication Architecture

Replication Status

Replication Status Definitions

Degraded Status

Full Update Status and Bad Generation ID Status

Replication Groups

Replication Server Selection

Assured Replication

Assured Replication Modes

Safe Data Mode

Safe Read Mode

Safe Read Mode and Replication Groups

Assured Replication Connection Algorithm

Assured Replication and Replication Status

Assured Replication Monitoring

Fractional Replication

Fractional Data Set Identification

Fractional Replication Filtering

Fractional Replication and Local Operations

External Change Log

How the External Change Log Works

Porting Applications that Rely on Other Change Logs

Differences Between the ECL and the LDAP Change Log Draft

Index Differences

DIT and Schema Differences

Additional Differences Between the ECL and the Sun DSEE Retro Change Log

API for Compatibility With the LDAP Change Log Draft and the Sun DSEE Retro Change Log

Limitations of the Compability API

7.  Directory Server Root Users and the Privilege Subsystem

8.  Supported Controls and Operations

Resolving Naming Conflicts

Naming conflicts only happen for replayed operations. The server uses the following methods to resolve naming conflicts:

Because directory entries can be renamed, the DN is not an immutable value of the entry. DNs cannot therefore be used to identify the entry for replication purposes. A unique and immutable identifier is therefore generated when an entry is created, and added as an operational attribute of the entry. This unique ID is used, instead of the DN, to identify the entry in changes that are sent between directory servers and replication servers.

A replication context is attached to the operation. The replication context stores private replication information such as change number, entry ID, and parent entry ID that is required to solve the conflict.