Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9 Release Notes

Java EE 5 SDK

Sun Java System Application Server 9 is available as part of the Java EE 5 SDK.

There are three Java EE 5 SDK versions:

In addition to Application Server, the Java EE 5 SDK includes Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 Update 6, Java EE 5 Samples, Java BluePrints, and API documentation (Javadoc).

Java EE 5 SDK SOA Starter Kit Preview also includes the Project Open ESB Starter Kit that implements an enterprise service bus (ESB) runtime based on the JSR 208 specification for Java Based Integration (JBI). It contains a BPEL service engine, Java EE service engine, HTTP SOAP binding component, and examples of how to use the BPEL service engine.

Java EE 5 Tools Preview Bundle adds NetBeans 5.5 Beta, NetBeans Enterprise Pack 5.5, and Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1, but not J2SE 5.0.

For more information on the other SDK components, see: