Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure Monitor Properties

Provide the properties of the event type you have selected in the previous page. Monitoring properties include JSR 77 statistics.

  1. Enter the Observed object name of the Mbean you want to monitor.

    Specifies the of a system Mbean or the name attribute of a custom Mbean.

    The ObjectName is of the form domain:type=impl-class-name,name=BeanName,server=server, where domain is the JMX Domain where the MBean is registered and BeanName is the name of the Mbean object. For example: user:impl-class-name=com.sun.example.mbeans.Memory,name=MemoryMBean,server=server. You can determine the ObjectName of an Mbean from the deployed custom Mbean, and then add “server=server.”

  2. Specify an attribute of the Mbean you want to monitor.

  3. Enter a description for this monitoring rule.

  4. Specify the granularity, in milliseconds, at which data is collected for this attribute.

    The default is 10 seconds.

  5. Specify the monitor type.

    Select from one from the following choices:

    • Counter — If the monitor is of type CountMonitor or the JSR 77 statistic field being monitored is of an integral type containing a count value.

    • Gauge — If the monitor is of type GaugeMonitor or the JSR 77 statistic field being monitored is of an integral type containing a gauge value.

    • String — If the monitor is of type StringMonitor

  6. Specify the action you want performed when the monitored data meets the condition specified in the event type.

  7. Select Finish to save your management rule.