Solaris Naming Administration Guide

Warning Weeks

Note -

This is no point in setting a WARNWEEKS default unless you also set a MAXWEEKS default.

You can add a WARNWEEKS default to the /etc/defaults/passwd file to set the number of weeks prior to a password becoming invalid due to aging that the user is warned. For example, if you have set the MAXWEEKS default to 9, and you want users to be warned two weeks before their passwords become invalid, you would set the WARNWEEKS default to 7.

Remember that WARNWEEKS are counted forward from the date of the user's last password change, not backward from the MAXWEEKS expiration date. Thus, WARNWEEKS must always be less than MAXWEEKS and cannot be equal to or greater than MAXWEEKS.

Note -

A WARNWEEKS default will not work unless there is also a MAXWEEKS default.

To set the warning time period, type the appropriate number of weeks after the equal sign on the WARNWEEKS= line:


Where N is a number of weeks. For example, WARNWEEKS=1.