Configuring Sun Master Indexes

Deleting a Standardization Variant or Data Type

If you add a data type or variant to a master index application in error, you can remove it from the Standardization Engine node. You can also delete any of the existing data types or variants if they are not in use. Use caution when removing variants or data types; this action cannot be undone.

ProcedureTo Delete a Variant or Data Type

  1. Back up the source files for the data type or variant in case you need them at a later time.

    Note –

    The default data types and variants are stored in NetBeansHome/soa2/modules/ext/mdm/standardizer/deployment.

  2. In the Project window, navigate to the Standardization Engine node in the master index project and then to the data type or variant you want to remove.

  3. Right-click the folder containing the files to remove, and then select Delete.

    A confirmation dialog appears.

  4. Click Yes.

    The data type or variant is removed from the project.