Configuring Sun Master Indexes

Filter Definition Elements

The following table lists and describes the XML elements and attributes that define the filters to be used for the SBR, blocking query, or match process. You can either define the exclusion lists directly in filter.xml or in a flat file that is referenced from filter.xml.






A filter definition for one field. The definition includes the following elements and attributes. You can define multiple filter definitions, and each can define filters for the SBR, blocking, matching, or any combination of the three. 



An indicator of whether to apply the filter to the SBR. Specify true to apply the filter to the SBR; otherwise specify false.



An indicator of whether to apply the filter to the blocking query. Specify true to apply the filter to the blocking query; otherwise specify false.



An indicator of whether to apply the filter to the matching process. Specify true to apply the filter to the matching process; otherwise specify false.



The qualified name for the field; for example, Person.SSN or Person.Address.PostalCode. For more information about qualified field names, see Master Index Field Notations in Understanding Sun Master Index Configuration Options .



A list of field-value elements that specify the values to filter.



A value to filter from the SBR, blocking query, or matching process. You can define multiple field values. To use values listed in a flat file, define a file element instead of a field-value element.



A definition of the file that contains the list of values to filter. 



The character that delimits the values listed in the exclusion list flat file.  



The path and name of a file that contains the list of values to filter. Be sure the values in this file are delimited by the character specified above.