Configuring Sun Master Indexes

Step 1: Define the Search Page

The first step in creating a search page is to define certain properties for the appearance of the page, such as its name, whether to display the EUID or local ID field, and general instructions for the search.

Note –

If either the EUID field or the local ID and system fields appear on a search page, any values entered into these fields take precedence over information entered into other search fields. For example, if an invalid EUID is entered but valid first and last names are entered, no results are returned due to the invalid EUID. The EUID field takes precedence over the local ID and system fields.

ProcedureTo Define the Search Page

  1. In the Projects window, expand the Configuration node in the Project you want to modify, and then double-click midm.xml.

    The file opens in the NetBeans XML editor.

  2. Scroll to the record-details element, and then create a simple-search-page element.

    Make sure the new element falls within the record-details element, but outside any existing simple-search-page elements. For example:

  3. In the new simple-search-page element, create the elements listed in Record Details Search Page Definition Elements and enter the appropriate value for each element.

    For example:

          <screen-title>Address Search</screen-title>
          <instruction>Enter address information below.</instruction>
  4. Continue to Step 2: Define the Search Fields.