Understanding Sun Master Index Configuration Options

filter.xml Example

The following example defines a filter for the SSN field for the SBR only, filtering out the values “999–99–9999” and “000–00–0000”. When the survivor calculator determines that the field value for the SBR should be “999–99–9999” or ”000–00–0000”, the survivor calculator ignores that value and either chooses a different value or ignores the field altogether, depending on how survivorship is defined.

<field sbr="true" matching="false" blocking="false">

The following example defines an exclusion list for matching and blocking, but not for the SBR. When a blocking query executes a query block that includes the DOB, it checks the values in the exclusion list and ignores any records where the DOB matches one of the values. When match weights are being generated, DOB fields that contain values found in the exclusion list are ignored.

<field sbr="false" matching="true" blocking="true">
    <file delimter=";">

The exclusion list file for the above example would look similar to the following:
