Analyzing and Cleansing Data for Sun Master Index


This rule checks the value of the specified field against a given string. If the field value or part of the field value matches the string you specify, this rule replaces the existing string with a new string. The syntax for replace is:

<replace fieldName="name" matchPattern="old_string" replace="new_string"/>

The parameters for replace are:

Example 14 Sample replace Rule

The following sample looks for the values 1, MALE, or MAL in the gender field. If those values are found, it replaces them with “M” in order to standardize them to the processing code for male. Note that the replacement for MALE is defined before the replacement for MAL. Since this rule looks for and replaces full field values or partial field values, performing the process on MAL first would replace the “MAL” in MALE with “M”, resulting in “ME” for the new field value.

  <replace fieldName="Person.Gender" matchPattern="1" replace="M"/>
  <replace fieldName="Person.Gender" matchPattern="MALE" replace="M"/>
  <replace fieldName="Person.Gender" matchPattern="MAL" replace="M"/>