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Sun Java System Messenger Express 2004Q2 Customization Guide 

List of Tables

Table 1-1 Messenger Express Customizable Files
Table 1-2 Messenger Express Specific Locales
Table 1-3 Inbox Screen Functions
Table 1-4 Message Screen Functions
Table 1-5 Folders Screen Functions
Table 1-6 Options Screen Functions
Table 1-7 Composition Window Functions
Table 1-8 Message Search Window Functions
Table 2-1 Contains the color index of ui[] controls, their names and what they determine
Table 4-1 Messenger Express User Interface Customizable Features
Table 4-2 Directory Structure for the Domain
Table 4-3 Linking multiple domains to few distinct brands
Table 5-1 Contents of authsdk
Table 5-2 SDK Code Variable Description
Table 5-3 SDK Code Variable Description

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