Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Administration Reference

Administrative Groups

Specifies whether to create the DomainAdministrators and DomainHelpDeskAdministrators groups. If enabled, these groups are created and associated with the Organization Admin Role and Organization Help Desk Admin Role, respectively. Once created, adding or removing a user to one of these associated roles automatically adds or removes the user from the corresponding group. This behavior, however, does not work in reverse. Adding or removing a user to one of these groups will not add or remove the user in the user's associated roles.

The DomainAdministrators and DomainHelpDeskAdministrators groups are only created in realms that are created after this option is enabled.

Note –

This option does not apply to subrealms, with the exception of the root realm. At the root realm, the ServiceAdministrators and ServiceHelpDesk Administrators groups are created and associated with the Top-level Admin and Top-level Help Desk Admin roles, respectively. The same behavior applies.