Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes

Web Proxy Agent 2.2-01 in CDSSO mode does not work with Access Manager 7.1 Patch 1 (CR 6611841)

The Web Proxy Agent 2.2-01 in Cross Domain Single Sign-on mode does not work with Access Manager 7.1 Patch . The agentRootURL requirement was added as a security measure to ensure that CDC is handing off ssotoken cookie to trusted agents running at known URLs.


  1. Create a new agent profile in the Access Manager server using the administration console.

  2. Set the Agent Key agentRootURL=http://<agenthost>:<agentport>/using the console.

  3. Get the encrypted password for the new agent profile using cryp_utilon the Agent

  4. Use the new agent username and corresponding encrypted password in the file.