Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes

Running the updateschema Script is Required

Beginning with patch 3 (and any subsequent patches unless specifically noted), you must run the script on Solaris and Linux systems or the script on Windows. The updateschema script updates the Sun Java System Directory Server schema with any new attributes required by the patch.

Requirements for the or script include:

Access Manager 7.1 WAR File Deployment

To locate the updateschema script:

  1. After you unzip the file, unzip the file.

  2. In the 140504-05/patch directory, unzip the file.

    The and updateschema.bat scripts are in the 140504-05/patch/bin directory.

For an Access Manager 7.1 WAR file deployment, run the updateschema script after you add the patch. The script prompts you for paths to the following items:

Access Manager 7.1 Installer (Package-Based) Deployment

After you unzip the file, the or updateschema.bat script is in the patchID directory, where patchID is 126356-05, 126357-05, 126358-05, or 126359-05, depending on your platform.

For an Access Manager 7.1 installer (package-based) deployment, run the updateschema script after you add the patch. The script prompts you for the same Directory Server information as requested for a WAR file deployment.