Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Release Notes

Known Issues in Access Manager 7.1 Patch 4 script fails with older version of ldapjdk.jar (6934848)

On Windows, the script in Access Manager 7.1 patch 3 and later requires the version 4.21 or later ldapjdk.jar file. In some old ldapjdk.jar files, the version is not even defined in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file. If the LDAP JDK version is older than 4.21 or not defined, the script exits with an error.

Workaround. Download and install the latest LDAP JDK patch, as described in Sun Java System LDAP JDK Patches.

updateschema script cannot run successfully under certain circumstances in WAR file deployment (6934844)

If Access Manager 7.1 patch 4 is deployed from a WAR file, the updateschema script cannot run successfully for the following reasons:
