Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for UNIX

Uninstallation Fails, Leaving Behind Files

If manual cleanup is necessary because the uninstaller left behind files or processes, perform the following procedure to remove packages from your system.

ProcedureTo Manually Clean Up Packages

  1. Determine which packages you want to remove.

    Compare the packages on your system with the Java ES packages listed in Chapter 5, List of Installable Packages, in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Reference for UNIX. (See also Installation Fails Due to Files Left Behind During an Uninstallation. You can use the following commands to determine which packages are installed:

    • Solaris OS pkginfo or prodreg utility

    • Linux rpm command

    • HP-UX swlist command

  2. Stop all running processes for Java ES product components.

    Brief instructions for stopping processes are contained in Chapter 6, Completing Postinstallation Configuration product component documentation.

  3. Back up all custom configuration and user data you plan to use in subsequent installations.

    Reviewing Uninstallation Behavior for Java ES Product Components provides some information on configuration and user data that should be backed up. For more information, refer to the product component documentation for each product component.

  4. Use the pkgrm, rpm -e, or swremove command to remove Java ES component packages.

  5. Remove any remaining product component directories and their content that you do not plan to use in subsequent installations. If you do plan to use these directories later, move them elsewhere.

  6. Update the product registry file, which is located here:

    • Solaris OS: /var/sadm/install/productregistry

    • Linux: /var/opt/sun/install/productregistry

    • HP-UX: /var/adm/sw/productregistry

    The uninstaller uses this registry to determine which product components are installed on a host. Both the installer and uninstaller update the product registry upon completion of an installation or uninstallation.

    Note –

    If you manually remove packages rather than using the uninstaller, then you must edit the product registry so it correctly reflects the software installed on your system.

  7. Clean up the log files for your system, which are located here:

    • Solaris OS: /var/sadm/install/logs

    • Linux and HP-UX: /var/opt/sun/install/logs

    The log files might not correctly reflect the state of your system after you manually remove packages.