Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Reference for UNIX

Web Server Configuration Information

The installer needs the following information for Web Server:

Web Server Choice of Configuration Type

Table 3–38 Choose Configuration Type for Web Server

Label and State File Parameter 


Configure Administration Instance as Server


The Administration Server is a specially configured Web Server instance used only for administration purposes.  

In a server farm situation, this is the master administration instance that sends instance-management orders to nodes. Administration applications are deployed on this server.

In a standalone installation of Web Server, always select Configure Administration Instance as Server. 

Configuration information for this setting will be requested on a subsequent page. 

The default value is selected. 

Configure Administration Instance as Node


An administration node is a specially configured Web Server instance that receives commands from the registered Administration Server and performs limited actions on that particular node, such as creating, deleting, starting, and stopping Web Server instances. 

information for this setting will be requested on a subsequent page. 

The default value is unselected. 

Automatically start server when system starts


Configures Web Server so that Web Server starts automatically when the system restarts. If you deploy Access Manager on Web Server, this value is ignored, because the Access Manager startup scripts will start Web Server at system restart. 

In a state file, the permitted values are T or F, True or False. The default value is F.

Web Server Administration Server Settings

The Web Server Admin Server runs on two ports: SSL (default 8989) and non-SSL (default 8800). If you choose HTTP, then the PS_DEPLOY_ADMIN_PORT parameter must be changed to refer to a non-SSL admin port. Default non-SSL admin port is 8800.

Table 3–39 Administration Server Settings for Web Server

Label and State File Parameter 


Administrator User ID


User ID of the Web Server administrator.  

The default value is admin or the value you provided under Common Server Settings.

Note: If you chose to use a single administrator account, this field is not present. 

Administrator Password


The password of the Web Server administrator. 

The default value is the value you provided under Common Server Settings. 

Note: If you chose to use a single administrator account, this field is not present. 

Note: In the Java ES installer, white space cannot be used in admin passwords, nor can the following symbols:  ; & ( ) ! | < > ' “ $ ^ \ # / , @ %

Server Host


A host and domain value that resolves to the local host. This value is used to create a directory under server root for the first Web Server instance. 

The default value is automatically created by joining the values that you provided for Host Name and DNS Domain Name under Common Server Settings. The value has the format hostname.domainname.

SSL Port


Port that is used to run the Administration Server in secure mode. Must be a valid SSL port. if this port is selected, you must specify HTTPS when invoking a URL. 

The default value is 8989.



Port on which Web Server listens for HTTP connections. 

The default value is 8800.

Runtime User ID


The default value is root or the value you provided under Common Server Settings.

Note: If you chose to use a single administrator account, this field is not present. 

Web Server Administration Node Settings

Table 3–40 Administration Node Settings for Web Server

Label and State File Parameter 


Node Host


Fully qualified name of host, including domain name. 

SSL Port


Port on which Web Server as agent listens for HTTPS connections. Must be a valid SSL port.  

The default value is 8989.

Runtime User ID


User ID that the default instance of Web Server uses to run on the system. 

If you are installing Access Manager or Portal Server, set this value to root and set the Runtime Group to other. (on HP-UX, set to sys). You can change these values after installation. For other servers, the Runtime User ID should be a non-root user.

The default value is root.

Register Node with Remote Administration Server


The default value is selected. If you choose to register node with remote administration server, the following four fields must be filled. 

Remote Server Host


Fully qualified domain name of the remote host on which the Administration Server is installed. 

Remote Server SSL Port


The SSL port on which the remote Administration Server is listening. The default value is 8989.

Remote Server User Name


Administrator user name used to log in to the remote Administration Server. 

Remote Server Password


Password used to log in to the remote Administration Server. 

Web Server Instance Settings

Table 3–41 Instance Settings for Web Server

Label and State File Parameter 


Server Name


A host and domain value that resolves to the local host. This value is used to create a directory under server root for the first Web Server instance. 

The default value is automatically created by joining the values that you provided for Host Name and DNS Domain Name under Common Server Settings. The value has the format hostname.domainname.



Port on which Web Server instance listens for HTTP connections. 

The default value is 80.

Runtime UNIX User ID 


An existing non–root user. If you are installing Access Manager or Portal Server, set this value to root and set the Runtime Group to other (on HP-UX, set to sys). You can change these values after installation. For other servers, the Runtime User ID should be a non-root user.

Note: If you are using Web Server as the web container, the Web Server runtime instance value must be set to root.

The default value is webservd

Document Root Directory


Location where Web Server stores content documents. 

To use a non-default value, ensure that the directory that you specify is already present in the file system. The installer does not create the directory for you.  

The default value is: 

Solaris OS: /var/opt/SUNWwbsvr7/https-hostname.domain/docs

Linux and HP-UX: /var/opt/sun/webserver7/https-hostname.domain/docs