Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Release Notes for UNIX

Hardware Requirements by Operating System

The disk space and RAM required to install and use Java ES 5 can vary widely, depending on which components you install on a system. The following values are suggested minimums when installing all components on a single system. For more precise values, add together the values from the release notes for the components you are installing on a system.

Operating System 

Processor (System) 

Disk Space 


Swap space 

Solaris SPARC 

UltraSPARC II (Sun Enterprise 250) 

6 GB 

4 GB 

Twice the amount of RAM, but at least 4 GB if installing Portal Server 

Solaris x86 

Intel Pentium P4 1GHz, AMD Opteron 248 (Sun v20/40/60z) 

6 GB 

4 GB 

Twice the amount of RAM, but at least 4 GB if installing Portal Server 


Intel Pentium P4 1GHz, AMD Opteron 248 (Sun v20/40/60z) 

6 GB 


Twice the amount of RAM, but at least 4 GB if installing Portal Server