Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Publish Producer Details to Registry

The following steps explain how to publish a producer to the Registry Server:

  1. Create organization data and producer data files.

    Organization data file can contain the following entries: Microsystems



    Note –

    The and org.description should be similar as that of the details in Identity Server unless the Registry is deployed internally.

    The producer data file should have the following entries:


    Note –

    It is not a must that you should create all the data files. But, for searching the details of producer, organization, or portlet, you should have created at least one file associated with that.

  2. Stop and restart the common agent container:

    /usr/lib/cacao/bin/cacaoadm stop

    /usr/lib/cacao/bin/cacaoadm start

  3. To publish the produce details, use the following command:

    ./psadmin publish-registry -u amadmin -f password_file -p portal1 -m producer -U producer_data_file -O organization_data_file -T portlet -L --debug

    Note –

    The portlet file specifies the portlets that are offered by WSRP producer. The portlets list is specified as a string within double quotes and elements separated by space. For example, "NotepadPortlet BookmarkPortlet WeatherPortlet."

    Note –

    You can check the log file by using the following command: more var/opt/SUNWportal/logs/admin/portal.admin.cli.0.0.log

Equivalent psadmin Command

psadmin publish-registry