Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Configuration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server for Address Book, Calendar, and Mail

To set up Portal Server to access Calendar data from an Exchange Server 2000 environment in a complex Windows 2000 Domain configuration, install ocxhost.exe on a dedicated System (called MAX_HOST).

Examples of a complex Domain configuration can be:

Installing ocxhost.exe on a dedicated machine is useful for two reasons:

The following instructions assume that:


is the name of the dedicated Windows 2000 System running Outlook 2000 and where ocxhost.exe is installed.


is the Exchange Server on which the mailboxes of the end users reside.


is the Java Enterprise System Portal Server 7 2005Q3


is the Windows Domain with MAX_HOST and MAIL_HOST

When setting up the dedicated Windows 2000 System (MAX_HOST) note the following requirements and assumptions:

  1. Create a User MAXhost in the Domain.

    1. Log into your Host (MAX_HOST) as an administrator of the domain.

    2. Select Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, Active Directory Users and Computers and create an domain account with user name MAXHost.

    3. Select User->Properties->Member of and add the group Administrators (local)

    4. Ensure that MAXHost can log on locally to the MAIL_HOST and MAX_HOST.

    5. Set the password.

  2. Configure Outlook for MAXHost user.

    1. Log in to your MAX_HOST System as Domain user MAXHost

    2. Configure the Outlook Profile for the user MAXHost by starting Outlook (refer to Microsoft Documentation if required).

    3. Close Outlook after completing the Outlook setup for MAXHost user.

      Note –

      Outlook may not run concurrently with ocxhost.exe.

  3. Configure Microsoft Exchange Server for Address Book, Calendar, and Mail.

    1. Log in to your Exchange 2000 Server (MAIL_HOST) as MAXHost.

    2. If you are using an Exchange 2000 Front-End Server, log in to your front-end Server as MAXHost.

    3. Go to Start, Programs, Microsoft Exchange, Active Directory Users and Computers.

    4. For each end user, set permissions to the mailbox.

    5. Select View->Advanced Features

    6. Double-click on the user name.

    7. Select the Exchange Advanced tab and select Mailbox Rights.

    8. Add MAXHost and give MAXHost full access.

      Repeat steps Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server or IBM Lotus Notes through Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server or IBM Lotus Notes for each user who access the communication channels.

  4. Install ocxhost.exe on the MAX_HOST.

    1. Log in to MAX_HOST as domain user MAXhost.

    2. Unzip the file located in the following directory:

      PortalServer-base/SUNWportal/export .

      When unzipping the file, you see the following file format:

      • Archive:

        • creating: ocxhost

          • creating: ocxhost/international

          • inflating:ocxhost/international/ocxhostEnglishResourceDll.dll

          • inflating:ocxhost/ocxhost.exe

    3. Register ocxhost as follows:

      1. Locate the ocxhost.exe file.

      2. Select Start and Run.

      3. Type ocxhost.exe /multipleuse and select OK.

        Note –

        Perform this registration only once. Each time this command is executed the DCOM settings described in the next step are cleared and need to be reconfigured.

    4. Configure the necessary DCOM settings for the ocxhost utility using the dcomcnfg utility.

    5. Select Start and Run.

    6. Type dcomcnfg and select OK.

    7. In the Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog box select Default Properties tab and use the following settings:

      • Check the Enable Distributed COM on the computer check box.

        • Set the default Authentication Level to Connect.

          • Set the default Impersonation Level to Identify.

    8. Select the Applications tab.

    9. Double-click the ocxhost utility in the Properties dialog.

      The ocxhost properties window is displayed.

    10. Check Run Application on this Computer under the Location tab.

    11. Set Use custom access permissions, Use custom launch permissions and Use custom configuration permissions under the Security tab.

    12. Select Edit for the Access, Launch, and Configuration settings and ensure that the following users are included in the Access Control List (ACL):

      • Interactive

        • Everyone

          • System

    13. Select a User under the Identity tab in the ocxhost properties window.

    14. Select Browse and locate the MAXHost.

    15. Enter the password and confirm the password.

    16. Select OK.

      The ocxhost DCOM component is now configured and ready to communicate with the Exchange Servers. It is launched by RPC call when the first access from the Portal Server occurs.

  5. Change MAXHost users group.

    For security reasons you may want to remove the domain user from the Administrators group:

    1. Log out and log in again as Administrator on MAX_HOST.

    2. Remove the user MAXHost from local Administrators group, (and assign it to Domain User Group).

      Note –

      Do not use a firewall should between the Portal and the MAX_HOST.

      (RPC calls using dynamic ports are used for the communication from Portal Server to ocxhost.exe.)

      Do not use a firewall between the MAX_HOST and the MAIL_HOST.