Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Configuration Guide

ProcedureInstall Portal Server on Node 2

  1. Install Application Server and Access Manager SDK using the Java ES installer in the Configure Now mode.

    Note –

    Select the Application Server components, such as Domain Application Server (DAS) and Command-Line Interface.

  2. Start Domain Application Server.

    ApplicationServer_base/SUNWappserver/sbin/asadmin start-domain --user admin domain1

  3. Create a node agent, for example ps1.

    ApplicationServer_base/SUNWappserver/sbin/asadmin create-node-agent --user admin ps1

  4. Start the node agent.

    ApplicationServer_base/SUNWappserver/sbin/asadmin start-node-agent --user admin ps1

  5. Create a cluster, for example pscluster.

    ApplicationServer_base/SUNWappserver/sbin/asadmin create-cluster --user admin pscluster

    Creating a cluster creates a configuration, namely pscluster-config.

  6. Create an Application Server instance, for example server1–ps1.

    ApplicationServer_base/SUNWappserver/sbin/asadmin create-instance --user admin --cluster pscluster --nodeagent ps1 --systemproperties HTTP_LISTENER_PORT=80 server1-ps1

  7. Start the Application Server instance.

    ApplicationServer_base/SUNWappserver/sbin/asadmin start-instance --user admin server1-ps1

  8. Using the Java ES installer, install Portal Server in the Configure Later mode.

  9. Create a Portal Server instance by modifying the example14.xml file with the installation parameters.

    Also, set the WebcontainerInstanceName attribute to the Application Server Cluster, pscluster. Set the host name as the primary host, node1.domain-name.

    PortalServer_base/SUNWportal/bin/psconfig --config example14.xml

  10. Delete the option from the pscluster configuration, and add it to the server1–ps1 instance.

    ApplicationServer_base/SUNWappserver/sbin/asadmin delete-jvm-options --user admin --target pscluster ""

    ApplicationServer_base/SUNWappserver/sbin/asadmin create-system-properties --user admin --target server1-ps1

    ps1–80 is the name of the instance specified in the configuration file.