Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Monitoring Guide

ProcedureTo Install the Monitoring Console in a Solaris Zone

By using Solaris zones, you can install the Monitoring Console on the same physical host as other components of Java ES. Those components will be in the global zone, and you will create a sparse root local zone to be a logical host for the Monitoring Console. Proceed in the following order.

  1. Install and configure all of you Java ES components except the Monitoring Console in the global zone. Complete all post-installation configuration of your selected components in the global zone so that all server instances are running.

  2. As part of the installation in the global zone, the Monitoring Framework will be installed as a shared component in the global zone. Perform all procedures in Chapter 2, Enabling and Configuring the Monitoring Framework that are applicable to your installed components.

  3. On the same host, create a sparse root local zone as the logical host for the Monitoring Console. Because it is a sparse root zone, the Monitoring Framework installed in mfwk-base should be visible (see Default Paths and File Names).

  4. Install the Monitoring Console in the sparse root local zone following the procedure To Install the Monitoring Console with the Java ES Installer.

  5. Configure the Monitoring Framework in the sparse root zone with the following commands:

    cd mfwk-base/bin
    ./mfwksetup -i

    Using the files from the global zone, this command will create the necessary Monitoring Framework configuration files in the local zone.

Next Steps

You should now proceed To Configure the Monitoring Console.