Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Monitoring Guide

Performance Monitoring

pm-job observable-classes

Display the list of all currently observable classes of objects for which you can create performance monitoring jobs.

pm-job observable-objects [class=objectC lass] [domain=objectDomain]

Display the list of all currently observable objects for which you can create performance monitoring jobs. By default all objects of all observable classes and in every domain will be listed. The list of objects is sorted by their class name.


Specifying the optional objectClass will restrict the output to observable objects of that specific class. The objectClass must be one of the classes listed by the pm-job observable-classes subcommand.


Specifying the optional objectDomain will restrict the output to observable objects in that domain. The domain of an object is the string preceding the colon (“:”) character in an object's name.

pm-job observable-attributes class=objectClass

Display the list of all observable attributes in the specified objectClass. Attributes are displayed with their name and type. The objectClass must be one of the classes that supports performance monitoring jobs, as listed by the pm-job observable-classes subcommand.

pm-job list

Displays the list of all currently defined performance monitoring jobs. Jobs are listed for each object having a defined performance job, and objects are sorted by their class name. The information displayed for each job is the same as displayed by the pm-job info subcommand.

Security: For other users than the one who launched the Common Agent Container, no jobs will be displayed.

pm-job info jobName

Display verbose information about a performance monitoring job named jobName. The jobName must be one displayed by the pm-job list subcommand. This subcommand displays the following information:

  • The name of the performance monitoring job.

  • The type of the performance monitoring job, either “by object” or “by class.” Jobs by object monitor one or more named object instances, whereas jobs by class monitor every instance of an object class. Note that it is not possible to create jobs by class with the mfwkadm utility.

  • The state of the performance monitoring job: active on-duty, active off-duty, or suspended. An active on-duty job is currently scheduled to run and is collecting data. An active off-duty job is running but not collecting data because the current time is out of its working schedule. A suspended job is not running nor collecting any data. Use the pm-job suspend and pm-job resume subcommands to change the running state of a performance monitoring job.

  • The granularity in seconds of the performance monitoring job. This is the interval for data collection by this job.

  • The reporting period of the monitoring job. The reporting period times the granularity equals the notification frequency. For example, if the granularity period is 10 seconds and the reporting period is 6, a job reporting by event will collect data every 10 seconds and will send a notification including 6 reports every 60 seconds (10*6). If the job is also reporting by file, it will send an event every 60 seconds containing the locations of the 6 generated files.

  • Whether the performance monitoring job is reporting by event. This means the results of the performance monitoring job are sent as notifications to a registered client.

  • Whether the performance monitoring job is reporting by file. This means the reports of the performance monitoring job are written in local files and notifications containing the filenames are sent to registered clients.

  • The report format of the performance monitoring job, which is always XML.

  • The schedule of the performance monitoring job. The schedule specifies what days and times the job is active on-duty or active off-duty (collecting data or not, respectively).

Then for a job by-object:

  • The list of observed objects, ordered by name.

  • If only a subset of observable attributes are specified, the observed attributes of the observed objects are listed by name and type.

And for a job by-class:

  • The list of observed classes, ordered by name.

  • If only a subset of observable attributes are specified, the observed attributes of the observed classes are listed by name and type. These attributes are common to all classes.

Security: For users other than the one who launched the Common Agent Container, no information will be displayed.

pm-job create jobName granularity=integerValue object=objectName [object=objectName ...]

Creates a new performance monitoring job on one or more objects. The mfwkadm command cannot create jobs by class. When creating performance monitoring jobs, the following parameters can be set:


A string uniquely identifying the performance monitoring job. The jobName cannot be already in use by any other performance monitoring job.


The time specified in seconds between the initiation of two successive collections of measurement data, while the job is active on-duty. Examples of granularity period can be 300 seconds (5 minutes), 900 seconds (15 minutes), 1800 seconds (every half-hour), 3600 seconds (every hour). A granularity period of 300 seconds is sufficient in most cases. For some measurements it can be more meaningful to collect data with larger granularity periods.

object=objectName [object=objectName ...]

One or more observable objects that the performance monitoring job will collect data from and report on. The objectName must be one displayed by the pm-job list or pm-job observable-objects subcommands. Specifying multiple object=objectName parameters will create a single performance monitoring job that monitors multiple objects.

Security: This subcommand can be run only by the user who launched the Common Agent Container.

pm-job delete jobName

Delete a performance monitoring job named jobName. The jobName must be one displayed by the pm-job list subcommand.

Security: This subcommand can be run only by the user who launched the Common Agent Container.

pm-job suspend jobName

Suspend a performance monitoring job named jobName. A suspended job is not active and will no longer collect data, regardless of its schedule. However, the job remains defined and can be made active again with the pm-job resume subcommand. The jobName must be one displayed by the pm-job list subcommand.

Security: This subcommand can be run only by the user who launched the Common Agent Container.

pm-job resume jobName

Resume a performance monitoring job named jobName. A resumed job will begin collecting data and sending reports according to its schedule. The jobName must be one displayed by the pm-job list subcommand. This is the counterpart to the pm-job suspend subcommand.

Security: This subcommand can be run only by the user who launched the Common Agent Container.