Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows

Starting and Stopping Portal Server

The Portal Serverstartup and shutdown mechanisms are part of the startup and shutdown mechanisms for the web container, either Web Server or an application server. Portal Server depends on Directory Server, Access Manager or Access Manager SDK, and a web container.

ProcedureTo Start the Portal Server

  1. Start the Directory Server instance.

    JavaES5-Install-Dir\DSEE\ds6\bin\dsadm.exe start DSInstancePath

  2. Start the Cacao Server instance.

    JavaES5-Install-Dir\share\cacao_2\bin\cacaoadm.bat start

    Wait for some time to ensure that the Cacao Server is started.

  3. (Optional) Verify the Cacao Server status.

    JavaES5-Install-Dir\share\cacao_2\bin\cacaoadm.bat status

    Cacao Server status is displayed in the following format:

    default instance is DISABLED at system startup.
    Current retries count : 0/4
    Uptime: 0 day(s), 0:8
  4. Start the Derby Server instance.

    JavaES5-Install-Dir\share\ant\bin\ant.bat -buildfile PortalServer-base\lib\derby.xml -propertyfile PortalServer-base\config\ start-instance

    Note –

    If the Derby Server is not started then the Wiki and community samples will fail.

  5. Start the web container, which can be Web Server or Application Server.

    Note –

    If both Access Manager and Portal Server are deployed on the same web container, starting web container brings up both Access Manager and Portal Server by default.

    1. To Start the Application Server, type:

      JavaES5-Install-Dir\appserver\bin\asadmin.bat start-domain --user adminUserName --password adminPassword deployedDomain