Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide

Chapter 7 Installing and Configuring Third-Party Web Containers

Sun JavaTM System Access Manager 7.1 supports the following third-party web containers:

This chapter includes these topics:

Requirements For Using a Third-Party Web Container

The requirements to use either BEA WebLogic Server or IBM WebSphere Application Server as the web container include:

General Steps For Using a Third-Party Web Container

To use a third-party web container, follow these general steps:

  1. If necessary, install Sun Java System Directory Server.

  2. Install and configure the web container by following the BEA or IBM documentation.

  3. Install Access Manager by running the Java ES installer with the Configure Later option.

  4. Start the web container.

  5. Configure Access Manager for the web container by running the amconfig script with configuration parameters specified in the amsamplesilent file (or a copy of the file). On Windows systems, run amconfig.bat with configuration parameters specified in the file (or a copy of the file).

  6. Restart the web container.

Installing and Configuring BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 SP4

To install and configure BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 SP4, and to start and stop instances, follow the BEA documentation:

During installation and configuration, save the information to set the configuration variables shown in WebLogic Application Server 8.1 SP4 Configuration Variables when you run the Access Manager amconfig script (or amconfig.bat on Windows systems).

ProcedureTo Install and Configure BEA WebLogic Application Server 8.1 SP4

  1. Install WebLogic Application Server 8.1 SP4 and any required patches.

  2. Configure WebLogic Application Server using either the Administration Console or command-line interface.

  3. Start WebLogic Application Server using either the Administration Console or command-line interface.

WebLogic Application Server 8.1 SP4 Configuration Variables

The following table describes the configuration variables that you set in the amsamplesilent file (or copy of the file) when you run the amconfig script to configure Access Manager with BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 SP4 as the web container.

On Windows systems, On Windows systems, run amconfig.bat with configuration parameters specified in the file (or a copy of the file).

Table 7–1 BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 SP4 Configuration Variables

Configuration Variable 



Web container variable. Set to WL8.


WebLogic Server home directory. Default: /usr/local/bea


WebLogic Server project directory. Default: user_projects


WebLogic Server domain name. Default: mydomain


Parent directory of the location of the WebLogic Server start script. 


WebLogic Server server name. Default: myserver


WebLogic Server instance name.  

Default: /usr/local/bea/weblogic81 ($WL8_HOME/weblogic81)


WebLogic Server protocol. Default: http


WebLogic Server host name. Default: Host name of the server 


WebLogic Server port. Default: 7001 


WebLogic Server SSL port. Default: 7002 


WebLogic Server administrator. Default: "weblogic"


WebLogic Server administrator password. 


WebLogic Server JDK home directory. Default: /usr/local/bea/jdk142_04 ($WL8_HOME/jdk142_04)

Installing and Configuring IBM WebSphere Application Server

To install and configure IBM WebSphere Application Server, and to start and stop instances, follow the IBM documentation:

During installation and configuration, save the information to set the configuration variables shown in IBM WebSphere Application Server Configuration Variables when you run the Access Manager amconfig script.

ProcedureTo Install and Configure IBM WebSphere Application Server

  1. Install WebSphere Application Server and any required patches.

  2. Verify that the WebSphere Application Server installation was successful.

    1. Make sure the server.xml file exists in the following directory:

    2. Start the server with the utility. For example:

      # /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ server1
    3. In a Web browser, use the following URL to view the sample Web application:


      Where fqdn and port specify the server name and port number.

  3. After you have verified a successful installation, stop the server using the utility. For example:

    # /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ server1
  4. Install any required patches using the utility.

  5. Restart WebSphere Application Server using the utility.

IBM WebSphere Application Server Configuration Variables

The following table describes the configuration variables that you set in the amsamplesilent file (or copy of the file) when you run the amconfig script to configure Access Manager with WebSphere Application Server as the web container.

On Windows systems, On Windows systems, run amconfig.bat with configuration parameters specified in the file (or a copy of the file).

Table 7–2 IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.1 Configuration Variables




Web container variable. Set to WAS5.


WebSphere home directory. Default: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer


WebSphere JDK home directory. Default: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/java


WebSphere cell. Default: host-name value 


WebSphere node name. Default: host name of the server where WebSphere is installed. Default: hostname value 


WebSphere instance name. Default: server1


WebSphere protocol. Default: http


WebSphere host name. Default: Hostname of the server 


WebSphere port. Default: 9080 


WebSphere SSL port. Default: 9081 


WebSphere administrator. Default: "admin"


WebSphere administrator port. Default: 9090 

Installing Access Manager and Other Java ES Components

Run the Java ES installer to install these components:

For information about running the installer, see Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for UNIX or the Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows.

Configuring Access Manager Using the amconfig Script

On Windows systems, run amconfig.bat with configuration parameters specified in the file (or a copy of the file).

To configure or reconfigure an Access Manager for a third-party web container, set variables in a copy of the amsamplesilent file and run the amconfig script.

ProcedureTo Configure Access Manager Using the amconfig Script

  1. Login as (or become) superuser (root).

  2. Copy the amsamplesilent file and rename the file to describe the new instance you want to configure.

    For example, if you plan to configure an Access Manager instance for WebLogic Application Server, you might name the file as am_weblogic_server.

  3. Set the variables in the am_weblogic_server file to configure (or reconfigure) the Access Manager instance. For example:

    WEB_CONTAINER=WAS5 # WebLogic Application Server is the web container
    DIRECTORY_MODE=4  # Directory Server is provisioned with user data

    Caution – Caution –

    In a multiple server deployment that shares the same Directory Server, all Access Manager instances must use the same value for the password encryption key. Before you run the amconfig script, set the AM_ENC_PWD variable in the copy of the amsamplesilent file with the same encryption key value used for other instances.

  4. Run the amconfig script.

    For example, on Solaris systems with Access Manager installed in the default directory, run amconfig using the new am_weblogic_server file as the configuration input file:

    # cd /opt/SUNWam/bin/
    # ./amconfig -s ./am_weblogic_server

    The amconfigscript reads the variables in the am_weblogic_server file and then runs in silent mode (-s option) to configure Access Manager for the WebLogic Application Server web container.

    For more information about the amsamplesilent file and running the amconfig script, see Chapter 2, Running the Access Manager amconfig ScriptChapter 2.

  5. Restart the web container.

Next Steps

In case you might need to reconfigure or uninstall this instance later, save the new am_weblogic_server file.