Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide

Distributed Authentication UI Server Overview

Requirements for a Distributed Authentication UI Server Deployment

Requirements for a Distributed Authentication UI server deployment include:

Several other considerations for a Distributed Authentication UI server include:

Distributed Authentication UI Server Deployment Scenario

The following figure shows a Distributed Authentication UI server deployment scenario.

Figure 11–1 Distributed Authentication UI Server Deployment Scenario

Example of a Distributed Authentication UI server deployment

Flow for a Distributed Authentication End-User Request

In a typical deployment scenario using one or more Distributed Authentication UI servers, an end-user request follows this flow:

  1. An end user sends an HTTP or HTTPS request from a Web browser to access a protected resource.

  2. If the request does not have a cookie containing an SSO token, the Access Manager policy agent issues a redirect to its authentication URL, which is the URL of the Distributed Authentication UI server in the DMZ (usually through a load balancer).

  3. The end user follows the redirect and sends a request to the Distributed Authentication UI server.

  4. The Distributed Authentication UI server communicates the request to an Access Manager instance behind the second firewall to determine the appropriate authentication method.

  5. The Access Manager instance determines the appropriate authentication method and then returns the presentation framework to the Distributed Authentication UI server.

  6. Using the information from the Access Manager instance, the Distributed Authentication UI server returns a login page to the user's Web browser.

  7. The end user replies with the login credentials (such as user name and password) to the Distributed Authentication UI server.

  8. The Distributed Authentication UI server uses the Access Manager Client SDK to send the end user's credentials to the Access Manager instance behind the second firewall.

  9. Access Manager tries to authenticate the end user using the appropriate authentication method:

    • If the authentication is successful, Access Manager returns the SSO token, and the Distributed Authentication UI server redirects the end user to the protected resource.

    • If the authentication is not successful, Access Manager returns the appropriate error information.