Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide

Generating an Access Manager 7.1 WAR File Using the Java ES Installer

To generate an Access Manager 7.1 WAR file (amserver.war), you first install Access Manager by running the Java ES installer with the Configure Later option. You then set variables in the amsamplesilent file (or a copy of the file) and run the amconfig script.

ProcedureTo Generate an Access Manager WAR File Using the Java ES Installer

  1. Login as (or become) superuser (root).

  2. Install Access Manager by running the Java ES installer with the Configure Later option.

    The installer installs the amconfig script and amsamplesilent file in the following directory:

    • Solaris systems: AccessManager-base/SUNWam/bin

    • Linux and HP-UX systems: AccessManager-base/identity/bin

    • Windows systems: AccessManager-base\identity\bin

      On Windows systems, the files are amconfig.bat and

    The default value for AccessManager-base is /opt on Solaris systems or /opt/sun on Linux systems.

  3. Make a copy of the amsamplesilent configuration file.

    The following examples use amwardeploy as the configuration file name. On Windows systems, the examples use as the configuration file name.

  4. Set the following variables in the amwardeploy configuration file.




    Causes the amconfig script to generate an Access Manager 7.1 WAR file as follows, depending on your platform:

    • Solaris systems: /opt/SUNWam/amserver.war

    • Linux and HP-UX systems: /opt/sun/identity/amserver.war

    • Windows systems: AccessManager-base\identity\amserver.war


    Specifies the path to the JDK installation directory and the JDK version used by Access Manager. The JDK version must be 1.5 or later. 

    Default: /usr/jdk/entsys-j2se


    Specifies the name of the new Access Manager WAR file: $SERVER_DEPLOY_URI.war

    Default: amserver

    Note –

    An Access Manager instance deployed from an Access Manager 7.1 WAR file is always in Realm Mode (AM_REALM=enabled). If you set AM_REALM=disabled, the amconfig script ignores the variable.

  5. Run the amconfig script with the edited amwardeploy configuration file.

    For example, on Solaris systems with Access Manager installed in the default directory:

    # cd /opt/SUNWam/bin
    # ./amconfig -s ./amwardeploy

    On Windows systems, in the amconfig.bat file, change to, and then run the edited amconfig.bat file.

    The amconfig script or amconfig.bat file generates the Access Manager WAR file as follows.

    • Solaris systems: /opt/SUNWam/amserver.war

    • Linux and HP-UX systems: /opt/sun/identity/amserver.war

    • Windows systems: AccessManager-base\identity\amserver.war