Technical Note: Web Services for Remote Portlets for Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1

ProcedureTo Create Channels to Display Remote Portlets on the Portal Desktop

  1. Log in to the Portal Server administration console.

  2. Click the portal name hyperlink.

  3. Select the DN on which you want to create a remote portlet.

  4. Click Manage Channels and Containers.

  5. Select the container to which you want the remote portlet to appear.

  6. Click New Channel or Container on the right tab.

    A wizard appears.

  7. Select portal, DN, and Channel.

  8. Click Next and select WSRP Remote Portlet Channel.

  9. Click Next.

    The screen displays the list of available configured producers.

  10. Select the configured producer and click Next.

    The Remote Portlet list displays the list of remote portlets that the producer offers.

  11. Select the remote portlet and click Next.

  12. Provide a local channel name for the remote portlet.

  13. Click Finish to create a remote portlet on your portal desktop.

    Log in to portal desktop as a user and select the container or tab on which you created the remote portlet. The portlet is visible on your portal page.