Technical Note: Web Services for Remote Portlets for Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1

ProcedureTo Publish Portlets and Enable a Producer

  1. If you are not on the Producer tab, see To Navigate to the WSRP Producer Options in the Portal Server Administration Console.

  2. In the Producer tab, click the producer name hyperlink.

    The Edit Properties screen appears. The screen displays the WSDL URL, which is a unique URL for a specific producer through which the consumer accesses the producer.

  3. Add one or more published portlets to the producer.

    The Unpublished Portlet list displays a list of local portlets that are available in the system and can be exported as remote portlets.

    Note –

    The producer must have at least one published portlet to enable it.

  4. Select a portlet, and click Add to add the portlets to the producer.

  5. Edit the Registration Validation Class field if you want to validate the registration properties.

    The Registration Validator class is used to validate the registration properties that are entered by the consumer.

    You can customize the RegistrationValidator class. Using this class, you can process the registration properties, for example, verifying the zip code of the consumer. RegistrationValidator is the SPI for registration validation in the WSRP producer. For more information on customizing the validation class, see http://server/portal/javadocs/desktop. You can also refer to Chapter 14, WSRP: Validating Registration Data, in Sun Java System Portal Server 7 Developer’s Guide.

  6. Click Save to save the changes and edit the Enable check box.

  7. Select Enable to enable the producer and click Save.