Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1 Technical Reference
 SampleJSP JSP ( Index Term Link )
 SamplesFramePanelContainer parent ( Index Term Link )
 SampleSimpleWebService, JSPs ( Index Term Link )
 SampleSimpleWebService JSP ( Index Term Link )
 SampleSimpleWebServiceConfigurable, JSPs ( Index Term Link )
 SamplesTabPanelContainer parent ( Index Term Link )
 SamplesTemplatePanelContainer template files ( Index Term Link )
 Schema file
  Desktop ( Index Term Link )
  search ( Index Term Link )
 search.conf file
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  parameters ( Index Term Link )
 Search Provider JSPs, JSPs ( Index Term Link )
 Search Server Attributes
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
  categories attributes (See also Categories,search) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  configuration properties file ( Index Term Link )
  database attributes (See also Database,search) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  JSPs ( Index Term Link )
  properties,display profile ( Index Term Link )
  reports attributes (See also Reports,search) ( Index Term Link )
  Robot Application Functions (RAFs) (See Robot,search) ( Index Term Link )
  robot attributes (See also Robot,search) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  schema file ( Index Term Link )
  server attributes (See also Server,search) ( Index Term Link )
  service definition ( Index Term Link )
  tag library
   exceptions ( Index Term Link )
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
   post-search tags ( Index Term Link )
   pre-search tags ( Index Term Link )
   searchContext Java API tags ( Index Term Link )
   tag attributes ( Index Term Link )
   tags to execute the search ( Index Term Link )
   types ( Index Term Link )
 SearchProvider/channel, reports attributes (See also Reports,search) ( Index Term Link )
 SearchTabPanelContainer parent ( Index Term Link )
 Selected channels list ( Index Term Link )
  log settings attributes ( Index Term Link )
  settings attributes ( Index Term Link )
 Service Management Services DTD ( Index Term Link )
  JSPs ( Index Term Link )
  properties,display profile ( Index Term Link )
  JSPs ( Index Term Link )
  properties,display profile ( Index Term Link )
 String property ( Index Term Link )
  JSPs ( Index Term Link )
  organization attributes ( Index Term Link )
  properties,display profile ( Index Term Link )
  scheduling profiler attributes ( Index Term Link )
  service attributes ( Index Term Link )
  user attributes ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 SunPortalDesktopService ( Index Term Link )
 SunPortalRewriterService ( Index Term Link )
 SunPortalSearchService ( Index Term Link )