Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Guide for JBoss Application Server 4.0

ProcedureTo Install the Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0:

  1. Change to the following directory:


    JBOSS_AGENT_HOME represents the directory where you unpacked or unzipped the JBoss Application Server 4.0agent distribution file. For example: /opt/j2ee_agents/am_jboss_agent.

    The /bin directory contains the agentadmin program, which is used to install a J2EE agent and to perform other tasks. For more information, see Role of the agentadmin Program in a J2EE Agent for Policy Agent 2.2.

  2. Issue the following command:

    ./agentadmin --install

    Note: On Windows systems, execute agentadmin.bat.

  3. (Conditional) If you receive license agreement, accept or reject the agreement. If you reject any portion of the agreement, the program will end.

    The license agreement is displayed only during the first run of the agentadmin program.

  4. Enter the installation information as prompted by the agentadmin program (or accept the default values).

    For example, specific information that you will need to enter includes:

    JBoss Server Configuration Directory

    Path to the /conf directory. For example: /opt/jboss-4.0.2/server/default/conf

    Java Security Manager Permissions

    Indicates (true or false) whether the JBoss server instance is running with Java Security Manager permissions:

    • true - The JBoss server standard server.policy file location is displayed. If JBoss server is using a different server.policy file, specify that file, including its path. The Java permissions file (standard file is server.policy) will be modified with agent-specific permissions.

    • false (default) - Skip the server.policy file interaction. The Java permissions file (standard file is server.policy) will not be modified, if it exists.

    For more information, see Installing the Agent on a JBoss Application Server 4.0 Instance Running with Java Security Manager Permissions.

    Deployment URI for the Agent Application

    The deployment URI for the agent application (agentapp.war) is required for the agent to perform necessary housekeeping tasks such as registering policy and session notifications, legacy browser support, and CDSSO support. Accept /agentapp as the default value for this interaction. The agent application is deployed during the agent installation. The deployment URI for agent application during install time should match the deployment URI for the same application when deployed in the J2EE container.

    Encryption Key

    This key is used to encrypt sensitive information such the passwords. The key should be at least 12 characters long. A key is generated randomly and provided as the default. You can accept the random key generated by the installer or create your own using the .agentadmin --getEncryptKey command.

    For information about creating a new encryption key, see agentadmin --getEncryptKey.

    Agent Profile Name

    An agent profile should have been created as a pre-installation step. The creation of the agent profile is mentioned in that section. For the pre-installation steps, see Preparing to Install Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0. For the actual information on creating an agent profile, see Creating a J2EE Agent Profile.

    In summary, the J2EE agent communicates with Access Manager with a specific ID and password created through an agent profile using Access Manager Console. For J2EE agents, the creation of an agent profile is mandatory. Access Manager uses the agent profile to authenticate an agent. This is part of the security infrastructure.

    J2EE Password File

    The J2EE password file should have been created as a pre-installation step. For the pre-installation steps, see Preparing to Install Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0.

    When the installation program prompts you for the password for the agent, enter the fully qualified path to this password file.

    Other values that you must specify include items such as the Access Manager server host name, port number, and protocol (http or https).

    After you specify all values, the program displays a summary of your responses. For example:

    JBoss Server Config Directory : /opt/jboss-4.0.2/server/default/conf
    Access Manager Services Host :
    Access Manager Services Port : 8880
    Access Manager Services Protocol : http
    Access Manager Services Deployment URI : /amserver
    Agent Host name :
    Agent permissions gets added to java permissions policy file : true
    File name of Java security manager permissions used for the chosen JBoss
    server instance. :
    Application Server Instance Port number : 8080
    Protocol for Application Server instance : http
    Deployment URI for the Agent Application : /agentapp
    Encryption Key : 1Ae4alVx7M9YnVcQKI5OqCXsnGyPaKAP
    Agent Profile name : jee
    Agent Profile Password file name : /opt/ldp
    Verify your settings above and decide from the choices below.
    1. Continue with Installation
    2. Back to the last interaction
    3. Start Over
    4. Exit
    Please make your selection [1]:
  5. Based on this summary, select one of the options.

    If you choose option 1, Continue with Installation, the program performs the functions described in JBoss Application Server 4.0 Agent Installation Functions and then displays the Summary of the Agent Installation.

    For a complete sample run on an installation, see Sample Installation for the Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0.