Sun Java System Message Queue 3.7 Update 2 Release Notes

Persistent Store Format Changes

Two changes to the Message Queue persistent store format have been made to improve performance. One change is to the file store, the other to the JDBC store.

Because these changes impact store compatibility, the store version has been changed from 350 to 370. Message Queue 3.7 UR1 supports automatic conversion of the persistent store from the older 200 and 350 versions to the 370 version - both for JDBC and for file based stores. The first time imqbrokerd starts, if the utility detects an older store it will migrate the store to the new format, leaving the old store behind.

If you should need to roll back this upgrade, you can uninstall Message Queue 3.7 UR1 and then reinstall the version you were previously running. Since the older copy of the store is left intact, the broker can run with the older copy of the store.