Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows

Message Queue Data

Message Queue, like other Java ES components, makes use of various kinds of data that for any specific upgrade might need to be migrated to an upgraded version. Table 8–2 shows the type of data that could be impacted by an upgrade of Message Queue software.

In the table, Instance-Name identifies the name of the Message Queue broker instance with which the data is associated and MessageQueue-base is the installation directory for Message Queue.

For Java ES 5 Update 1, C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\mq is the default installation location for Message Queue . For Java ES 4, C:\Sun\MessageQueue is the default installation location.

Table 8–2 Message Queue Data Usage

Data Category  



Broker instance configuration properties 


Broker and related services configurations 

Persistent store for dynamic application data 

Release 4: 


Release 5: 


or accessible through the Java Database Connectivity (JDBCTM) API

Stores messages, destinations, durable subscriptions, transactions, and other dynamic data 

Administered objects (object store) 

Local directory of your choice or an LDAP Directory Server 

Objects used to configure client/broker connections 

Security: user repository 


Stores user data used for authentication and authorization 

Security: access control file (default location) 


Sets the rules that authorize user access to destinations and related capabilities 

Security: passfile directory (default location) 


Stores encrypted password information. 

Security: broker’s keystore file location 


Stores encrypted certificate information for secure messaging.