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Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Upgrade Guide for UNIX 



Access Manager

abbreviation  1, 2

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

subcomponents  1, 2, 3

upgrade approach  1

AccessManager-base path  1

AccessManagerConfig-base path  1

accumulated patch cluster

characteristics  1

description  1

ACL shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

amconfig script (Access Manager)  1

ampre71upgrade script (Access Manager)  1, 2

amupgrade script (Access Manager)  1, 2

ANT shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

ANT_HOME environment variable  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Apache Commons Logging, See ACL

Application Server

abbreviation  1, 2

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

subcomponents  1, 2, 3

upgrade approach  1

AppServer7-base path  1

AppServer7Config-base path  1

AppServer8-base path  1

AppServer8Config-base path  1

AppServer8Install-base path  1


BDB shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

Berkeley Database, See BDB


CAC shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

Common agent container, See CAC

component release levels

major release  1

minor release  1

point-fix release  1

update release  1


symbol  1

typographic  1


db2bak utility  1


between product components  1

between shared components  1

product component, on shared components  1

Derby Database shared component  1

Directory Proxy Server

abbreviation  1, 2

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

upgrade approach  1

Directory Server

abbreviation  1, 2

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

upgrade approach  1

DirServer-base path (Directory Server 6.0)  1, 2

dual upgrade

approaches  1

component support summary  1

defined  1


FastInfoSet, See FIS

feature release

characteristics  1

description  1

upgrade to  1

feature upgrade

defined  1

of product components  1

FIS shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1


HADB-base path  1, 2

High Availability Session Store (HADB)

abbreviation  1, 2

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

upgrade approach  1


ICU shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

IM-SDK shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

Instant Messenger SDK, See IM-SDK

International Components for Unicode, See ICU


JAF shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

Jakarta ANT Java/XML-based build tool, See ANT

JATO shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, See J2SE

Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, See Java SE

Java API for XML Processing, See JAXP

Java API for XML Registries, See JAXR

Java API for XML-based Remote Procedure Call, See JAX-RPC

Java Architecture for XML Binding, See JAXB

Java Calendar API, See JCAPI

Java DB

abbreviation  1, 2

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

upgrade approach  1

Java Dynamic Management Kit, See JDMK

Java ES 2003Q4 (Release 1)

product components  1

shared components  1

Java ES 2004Q2 (Release 2)

product components  1

shared components  1

Java ES 2005Q1 (Release 3)

product components  1

shared components  1

Java ES 2005Q4 (Release 4)

product components  1

shared components  1

Java ES 5 (Release 5)

product components  1, 2

shared components  1, 2

Java ES accumulated patch cluster

description  1

Java ES Monitoring Framework, See MFWK

Java ES update release

description  1

Java SE shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

Java Security Services, See JSS

Java Studio Web Application Framework, See JATO

JAVA_HOME  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

JAVA_HOME environment variable  1, 2, 3, 4

JavaBeans Activation Framework, See JAF

JavaHelp shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

JavaMail shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

JAXB shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

JAXP shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

JAXR shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

JAX-RPC shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

JAXWS shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

JCAPI shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

JDMK shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

JSP files, customized  1, 2, 3, 4

JSP Standard Library Template, See JSTL

JSS shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

JSTL shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1


KT Search Engine, See KTSE

KTSE shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1


LDAP C Language SDK shared component  1, 2

LDAP C SDK shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

LDAP J SDK shared component  1, 2

full name  1

in dependency table  1


MA Core shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

maintenance release

characteristics  1

description  1

upgrade to  1

maintenance upgrade

defined  1

of product components  1

major release, component  1

Message Queue

abbreviation  1, 2

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

upgrade approach  1

MessageQueue-base path  1

MFWK shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

minor release, component  1

Mobile Access Core, See MA core

Monitoring Console

abbreviation  1

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

upgrade approach  1

MonitoringConsole-base path  1

mqupgrade script (Message Queue)  1, 2


Netscape Portable Runtime, See NSPR

Network Security Services, See NSS

NSPR shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

NSS shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1


operating system

dual upgrades  1

patches  1

planning considerations  1

support matrix  1


point-fix release, component  1

Portal Server

abbreviation  1, 2

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

upgrade approach  1

Portal Server Secure Remote Access

abbreviation  1, 2

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

upgrade approach  1

PortalServer6-base path  1, 2

PortalServer6Config-base path  1, 2

PortalServer7-base path  1, 2

PortalServer7Config-base path  1, 2

PortalServer7Data-base path  1, 2

product components

dependency on shared components  1

interdependencies  1

Java ES 2003Q4 (Release 1)  1

Java ES 2004Q2 (Release 2)  1

Java ES 2005Q1 (Release 3)  1

Java ES 2005Q4 (Release 4)  1

Java ES 5 (Release 5)  1, 2

psupdate script (Portal Server)  1, 2

psupgrade script (Portal Server)  1, 2


RegistryDomainR4-base path  1

RegistryDomainR5-base path  1

rel4CAC-base-dir path  1

rel5CAC-admin-dir path  1

release model

component release levels  1

release delivery formats  1

release families  1

system release types  1


SAAJ shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

SAML  1, 2

SASL shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1


amconfig (Access Manager)  1

ampre71upgrade (Access Manager)  1, 2

amupgrade (Access Manager)  1, 2

mqmigrate (Message Queue)  1

mqupgrade (Message Queue)  1

psupdate (Portal Server)  1, 2

psupgrade (Portal Server)  1, 2

Security Assertion Markup Language, See SAML

SEDC shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

serverRoot path (Directory Server 5.x)  1, 2

Service Registry

abbreviation  1, 2

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

upgrade approach  1

ServiceRegistryR4-base path  1, 2

ServiceRegistryR5-base path  1

shared components

dependent product components  1

interdependencies  1

Java ES 2003Q4 (Release 1)  1

Java ES 2004Q2 (Release2)  1

Java ES 2005Q1 (Release 3)  1

Java ES 2005Q4 (release 4)  1

Java ES 5 (Release 5)  1, 2

Simple Authentication and Security Layer, See SASL

SJWC shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

SML Web Services Security, See XWSS

SOAP runtime with Attachments API for Java, See SAAJ

Sun Cluster

abbreviation  1, 2

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

upgrade approach  1

Sun Cluster Geographic Edition

abbreviation  1, 2

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

upgrade approach  1

Sun Explorer Data Collector, See SEDC

Sun Java Web Console, See SJWC

SunClusterGeo-base path  1

symbol conventions  1

system release types

feature release  1

maintenance release  1


typographic conventions  1


update release

maintenance upgrade to  1

update release, component  1

update release, Java ES

characteristics  1

description  1


Web Proxy Server

abbreviation  1, 2

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

upgrade approach  1

Web Server

abbreviation  1, 2

product component dependencies  1

shared component dependencies  1

upgrade approach  1

Web services Common Library, See WSCL

WebProxyServer-base path  1

WebServer6-base path  1

WebServer7-base path  1

WebServer7Config-base path  1

WSCL shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1


XWSS shared component

full name  1

in dependency table  1

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Part No: 820-2510-10
November 2007.   Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.