Deployment Example: Deploying and Customizing the Documentum Portlet

Environment Class

The Environment class is also an abstract class and cannot be instantiated directly. The Environment class provides default implementations for the lifecycle events, security, error handling, page dispatching, action processing, content transfer, branding, environment properties, and attribute storage. These implementations should be sufficient for most environments:


The lifecycle methods store the request, response and session objects in thread safe storage. If you are overriding any of these methods and you need to continue to store the objects in the thread safe storage, then you must call the superclass implementation.


The security methods encode and decode passwords and encrypt and decrypt the trusted authenticator password using a Caesar cipher. For details on trusted authentication, refer to User principal authentication. Methods also get the user name, password, and domain.

Error Handling

The error methods get the error URL and handle errors.

Page Dispatching

Page dispatching methods include forward and inline dispatch and access to the object. By default, pages are included and actions are processed before the page is rendered.

Action Processing

The queryExecute() method is provided to test action preconditions

Content Transfer Mechanism

The content transfer method returns the content transfer mechanism, which is UCF-based by default in portal environments.


The Environment class looks for mapping of WDK CSS classes to portal styles. For details on this mapping, refer to Portal styles

Environment Properties

The getResourceBundle() method returns the properties file that configures the environment.

Attribute Storage

Attribute storage methods get, set, and remove attributes from the environment's thread-safe local store. A log() method is also provided.