Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Installation Guide for UNIX

Determining If Your Hosts Are Ready

Before you start the installer, review the issues that determine system readiness:

Access Privileges

To install Java ES software, you must be logged in as root, or become superuser.

Memory, Disk Space, and Swap Space Requirements

The installer runs a check to determine if your host has sufficient memory, disk space, and swap space for the components you selected.

Note –

On Solaris 10, memory check is not performed if you are installing into a non-global zone.

System Requirements

Before you install Java ES, ensure that the hosts in your deployment meet the minimum hardware and operating system requirements. For the latest information on the supported platforms and software and hardware requirements, refer to “Hardware and Software Requirements” in the Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Release Notes. If the operating system found on the host does not satisfy Java ES requirements, the installer cannot proceed. You must resolve this problem before installation.

As a convenience, recommended Java ES patch clusters are provided for the Solaris OS on the Sunsolve site: A Java ES patch cluster contains all the Solaris patches required for the particular release of Java ES. These patch clusters might contain Solaris kernel patches, so be sure to read the patch cluster Readme file carefully, and especially any Readme files for kernel patches. A patch cluster must be installed in single-user mode, and the host must be rebooted after installation.

Tip –

If you apply the patch cluster for your platform before running the Java ES installer, you can avoid delays when the installer performs the system check on your host and finds patches missing. However, if you are running a recent version of Solaris OS, you might prefer to run the Java ES installer first and only update those patches that the installer identifies as missing.

Patch Requirements

During installation, the Java ES installer identities any missing software patches and asks you to install these patches on the host. You must install most missing patches before proceeding with installation. However, in some cases, you are allowed to proceed without installing a missing patch. In this case, if you choose to proceed, you are warned that installation might fail or software might malfunction. To continue with installation, you must confirm that you want to proceed without installing the missing patches.

For information on patches required for this release of Java ES, refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Release Notes.

ProcedureTo Install a Patch

The following example procedure provides instructions for installing a Solaris OS patch.

  1. Go to the Sunsolve site:

    Location for Linux patches:

  2. Click Patches and Updates.

  3. Enter the patch number in the PatchFinder text box, and click Find Patch.

  4. Download the zip file for the patch.

  5. Expand the zip file. For example: unzip

    A directory is created for the patch files.

  6. Apply the patch. For example: patchadd 117885-44

  7. Back in the Java ES installer, click Check Again. All system requirements are rechecked.