Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Installation Guide for UNIX

How to Use the Text-Based Interface

The text-based installer does not display a graphical interface, but instead prompts you for information using a series of queries. The following table describes how to respond to the installer’s text-based prompts.

Table 4–1 Responding to the Text-Based Installer Prompts



To accept default values, as indicated in square brackets [ ]

Press Return. 

To select items from a list 

Type the numbers for the items in a comma-separated sequence and press Return. Spaces are not allowed. For example, to select item 2 in a list, type 2 and press Return.

To select items 1, 3, and 4, type 1,3,4 and press Return.

To deselect items from a list 

Type the numbers for the items in a comma-separated sequence, entering the minus character (-) before each number, and press Return. Spaces are not allowed. For example, to deselect item 2 from the list, type -2 and press Return.

To deselect items 1, 3, and 4, type -1,-3,-4 and press Return.

To provide a value to a text field 

Type the value and press Return. 

To provide a password 

Type the password and press Return. 

The password will not appear on the terminal window. 

Note: For the Java ES installer, white space cannot be used in admin passwords, nor can the following symbols: ; & ( ) ! | < > ' “ $ ^ \ # / , @ %

To return to the previous page 

Type the left angle (<) character and press Return. 

To exit the session 

Type the exclamation mark character (!) and press Return.