Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Installation Reference for UNIX

Directory Server Configuration Information

The installer needs the following information for Directory Server:

Directory Server Instance Creation Choice Information

Table 3–22 Instance Creation Choice for Directory Server

Label and State File Parameter 


Choose to create a directory instance


Allows you to create a directory instance during installation. this is not a requirement. The default value is Yes.

If you accept the default, you will be asked to provide the information required to create an instance. 

Directory Server Instance Creation Information

This page is displayed when you select Yes on the Directory Server Instance Choice Panel. If you select No, this page is not displayed. If another component requires a Directory Server instance, you will be prompted to either use the instance you can create on this page, or use a previously installed and configured instance of Directory Server.

Table 3–23 Instance Creation Information for Directory Server

Label and State File Parameter 


Instance Directory


Location of new instance.  

The default value is: 

Solaris OS:/var/opt/SUNWdsee/dsins1

Linux: /var/opt/sun/dsins1

Directory Instance Port


Unsecure port for the new instance. 

The default value is 389.

Directory Instance SSL Port


Secure port for the new instance. 

The default value is 636.

Directory Manager DN


Distinguished Name (DN) of the user who has unrestricted access to Directory Server. 

The default value is cn=Directory Manager.

System User


User ID under which the new instance runs. 

The default value is root.

System Group


Group ID of the new instance. 

The default value is root.

Directory Manager Password


Password for the Directory Manager. 

The default value is the Administrator Password you provided under Common Server Settings. Minimum of 8 characters. 



Initial directory suffix managed by this instance. 

The default value is formed by the segments of the fully qualified domain name for the current host. For example, if you install on , the default value is dc=sub1,dc=example,dc=com.

Directory Server Instance Usage Choice

Table 3–24 Directory Server: Instance Usage Choice

Label and State File Parameter 


Choice of Directory Server instance


Allows you to choose to use the directory server instance you created during installation, or use an existing directory server instance. If you choose to use an existing instance instead of the default, the alternate instance must already be configured. 

Default value is yes.