Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Release Notes

Installation Issues

The following information pertains to the installation process using the Java Enterprise System installer.

General Installation Issues

After installing a component with the Java ES installer, you must use the uninstaller to uninstall (no bug number)

If you remove component packages or RPMs directly, the next time the installer is run, it may see a component as still being installed and not behave correctly.

Solution If you have already removed component packages or RPMs manually, you must still use the Java ES uninstaller to uninstall the component.

In CLI mode the Java ES installer continues even when it lacks swap space (6436570)

If the system on which you run the Java ES installer does not have sufficient swap space to run the installer, the CLI mode installer (./installer -nodisplay) continues to run after displaying an error message that includes:

com.sun.entsys.dre.DREException: Not enough space

Solution If you see this message, exit the installer. Then, allocate more swap space or free up existing swap space before running the installer again.

In silent mode, installation fails without error if statefile has an invalid id (6585745)

If you run the Java ES 5 Update 1 installer in silent mode and specify a statefile with an invalid id (such as from a previous version of Java ES), the installer does not install any software and it exits without reporting an error. The installer log file contains the message:

Exit Installation due to Error or User has selected exit on Warning.

SolutionReplace the id in the statefile with a valid id generated by the Java ES 5 Update 1 installer. Use this command to generate the id:

./installer -id

When using the —no option, the installer throws InvocationTargetException if you stop installation (6592472)

If you run the installer with the —no option and stop installation on the Installing page, the installer exits, throwing an InvocationTargetException:

InvocationTargetException thrown in method cancelConfirmed in class
        at ...

Solution None.

On Solaris 10, installation in a whole root zone is unsuccessful (6451030)

When installing Java ES in a whole root zone on earlier versions of Solaris 10, the installer might display one of these messages:

Unsupported components in zone
Following components required by the selected components, are not 
supported in local zone and they can not be installed directly into 
the local zone. Please install these components from the global zone 
before proceeding the installation



The Sun Web Console packages that are installed on your system
have a defect that is preventing Java ES from installing in a
while root non-global zone. In order to rectify this situation
you must upgrade the Sun Web Console packages in the global zone
before installing Java ES in a whole root zone. Please see the
Java ES Release Notes (bug 6451030) and Installation Guide for
further information.

Both of these messages appear because the Sun Java Web Console packages already installed contain an incorrect attribute setting that prevents the installer from upgrading them. The Sun Java Web Console packages that contain the incorrect attribute setting were shipped with Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06, Solaris 10 6/06, and Java ES 2005Q4.

Solution To resolve this issue, you must upgrade the Sun Java Web Console packages in the global zone before you install Java ES in a whole root zone. You have two options:

On Solaris 10, installation in a sparse-root zone does not report presence of bundled Application Server in global zone (6512640)

When installing Java ES in a sparse-root zone, the installer checks the global zone for components that you must upgrade in the global zone before you can install in the sparse-root zone. However, the installer does not report the version of Application Server bundled with Solaris 10 as a component to upgrade.

Solution Before installing Java ES in a sparse-root zone, first run the installer in the global zone and upgrade Application Server if the installer shows it as Upgradable.

On Solaris 10, Web Console errors appear when booting a whole root zone (6584536)

When you install Java ES, the installer creates the symbolic link /usr/jdk/entsys-j2se so that components can access the same version of Java SE. After installing Java ES components in the global zone, you might get errors regarding Web Console when you try to boot whole-root zones because the Web Console packages are propagated to the whole-root zone, but the symbolic link upon which they depend it not propagated.

Solution Create the symbolic link in the whole-root zone manually by entering the following command in the global zone (assuming Java SE 5 is the version installed in the global zone)d:

ln -s /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.5.0 zone-path/root/usr/jdk/entsys-j2se

where zone-path is the path you specified when creating the whole-root zone.

On HP-UX, performance issue with Java ES installer (6472918)

The Java ES installer interacts with the HP-UX depot mechanism to find installed components, check for dependencies, and install the bits. The client-server architecture of the depot mechanism leads to slower system response time, and the repeated interaction makes the overall installation process noticeably slower than on other platforms.

Solution None.

On Linux and Windows, Web Console fails to start after swapping its container from tomcat to Application Server (6534739, 6566515)

If you use the wcswap commands to swap the container Web Console deploys to from tomcat to Application Server, Web Console fails to start because no domain is created for it in Application Server.

Solution Do not use Application Server as the container for Web Console on Linux or Windows. If you have already attempted to swap to Application Server as the container, you can use the wcswap command a second time to swap back to tomcat as the container for Web Console.

On Windows, Installer Does Not Detect Existing Installation of Sun Java Web Console (6487548)

Solution Use one of the following workarounds:

On Windows, Installation Fails Unpredictably on a Machine with 1GByte RAM Memory (6496578)

On the Windows platform, installing with Install all in Configure Automatically During Installation mode fails unpredictably in post configuration stages on machine with low memory.

Solution Use one of the following workarounds:

On Windows, DLLs from Windows System32 Conflict with Java ES DLLs (6496600)

This problem occurs when certain DLLs are in the Windows system32 folder, such as libnspr4.dll, nss3, and smime.

These DLLs conflict with Java ES versions of DLLs that are installed in the install-dir/share/lib and prevent proper functioning of Java ES servers.

Solution Rename these DLLs in the system32 folder so Java ES servers will use the correct versions of these DLLs.

Note –

Renaming these DLLs could cause some legacy applications that installed these DLLs in system32 folder not to function.

On Windows XP SP2, User Unable to Log in to the Web Console After Installation (6498436)

Solution On Windows XP Professional, the guest account must be disabled.

The registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\ForceGuest must be set to 0 in order for authentication to succeed.

Installer does not report component configuration failures due to a low file descriptor limit (5018734, 6523904)

If the system has a file descriptor limit of set too low, some components cannot be configured correctly. The installer does not report such configuration failures, but the configuration log files show the failures.

Solution Before installation, set the file descriptor limit to a high value, such as 1024 or 2048. After installation, you can reset the file descriptor limit back to its previous value.

Java ES Installer needs a mechanism to query if a product license is of type evaluation (6265136)

The installer should check if shared components is an evaluation component and replace it if in fact it is an evaluation component.

Solution Ensure that the workstation does not have an evaluation component installed before beginning an installation.

Installation log messages are not always valid (no bug number)

Please note that log messages are not always valid. For example, the “no software was installed” message appears even if some (but not all) component products are installed after an error of some sort.

Auto-selection of components in component selection page confusing (4957873)

When a component product is selected, the installer automatically selects to install any dependent component products. The component product selection page does not indicate that the dependencies have been selected along with the original component product.

Solution None.

Insufficient window width in interface for some locales (4949379)

The window for certain languages like German is not wide enough to display the entire interface. As a result, text of elements like hints get truncated at the right hand side or at the bottom.

Solution Manually resize the window.

Access Manager Installation Issues

On HP-UX, Access Manager installation cannot find gettext binary (6497926)

When installing Access Manager on HP-UX, the installation fails, indicating that Access Manager could not find the gettext binary.

Solution Download getext 0.14.6 or later and install it.

Access Manager SDK configuration causes web server startup failure errors (6293225)

The problem of web server startup failures can be attributed to the Access Manager's SDK configuration. In the current scenario, the file contains the wrong information and causes a series a web server startup failures. The following variables do not have the correct information:

Solution On your node B, where Access Manager SDK is installed with Web Server, modify the <Web_Server_Instance_dir>/config/server.xml file and add the required Access Manager JAR files to the classpath.

Installing Access Manager on an existing DIT requires rebuilding Directory Server indexes (6268096)

To improve the search performance, Directory Server has several new indexes. Therefore, after you install Access Manager with an existing directory information tree (DIT), rebuild the Directory Server indexes by running the script. For example: # ./ -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -n userRoot

The script is available in the DS-install-directory/slapd-hostname/ directory.

Installing Access Manager With SSL Enabled Directory Server (no bug number)

If Directory Server is already installed and has only LDAPS (SSL) enabled, the installation of Access Manager will fail. To install Access Manager, first enable LDAP (no SSL) for Directory Server. After the Access Manager installation is finished, you can disable LDAP and leave only LDAPS.

Single Quote Not Allowed in Passwords and Root Suffix (no bug number)

In passwords (such as for amadmin) and the Directory Server root suffix, Access Manager does not support a single quote (\q). The back-slash (\\), however, is supported.

Installation of Access Manager fails if Directory Server implements the Reset Password (4992507)

When you run the Java Enterprise System installer, the installation of Access Manager fails if Directory Server is configured to require users to change their passwords the first time they log in.

Solution Set the Directory Server password reset policy to “off”.

Authentication service is not initialized whenAccess Manager and Directory Server are installed on separate machines (6229897)

Although the classpath and other Access Manager web container environment variables are updated during installation, the installation process does not restart the web container. If you try to login to Access Manager after installation before the web container is restarted, the following error is returned:

Authentication Service is not initialized.
Contact your system administrator.

Solution Restart the web container before you login to Access Manager. Directory Server must also be running before you login.

Access Manager does not update the Application Server domain.xml (6439597)

Access Manager does not update the Application Server domain.xml properly with JVM options and server classpath . This is known to occur in the following scenario:

  1. You install and configure Application Server and Directory Server.

  2. You create a node agent.

  3. You create a non-default Application Server instance.

  4. You install Access Manager in "Configure Later" mode.

  5. You edit the amsamplesilent file and then run it using amconfig.

  6. When you try to log in to Access Manager with a browser, an error message is displayed.

Solution Before installing Access Manager, edit the amsamplesilent file so that the container block includes the following information:


After the edits are completed, run the amconfig command:

./amconfig -s amsamplesilent

Application Server Installation Issues

After installing Domain Administration Server, Node Agent is listed as installed and compatible (6379283)

If you install the Application Server Domain Administration Server, the Application Server Node Agent is listed as installed and compatible in subsequent installation sessions. This issue arises because the Domain Administration Server and Node Agent use the same set of packages and differ only in configuration.

Solution None. The software to support node agents is installed. To create a node agent, use the asadmin create-node-agent command. See create-node-agent(1) for more information.

Installer does not recognize host name user enters in configuration page (4931514)

The installer prompts you for the “server name” for the Application Server. However, the installer uses the actual host name of the machine regardless of what you input in the text field.

Solution If the server name is different from the server’s host name, become superuser and type the following in the domain directory of interest (the “server root” directory):

# find . -type f -exec grep -l $HOSTNAME {} \\ ;

Then, change the file contents appropriately.

Cannot start domain on Linux (6396102)

On Linux, attempts to start a domain generate an exception that refers to libstdc++. This occurs because Application Server requires certain compatibility libraries on Linux that are not installed by default.

Solution Install the following compatibility libraries:

These libraries are not installed by default, but are available in the Red Hat Linux distribution. Note that the value of build may differ on different versions of Red Hat Linux.

On Windows, HADB Instance Is Not Starting in Application Server (6480152)

If a Windows machine is not connected to the network, the HADB instance does not start.

Solution Connect Windows machine to the network.

Directory Server Installation Issues

Two versions of Directory Server exist after installation on Solaris 9 (no bug number)

Directory Server 5.1 is bundled with Solaris 9. Therefore, after you install Directory Server from Java ES 5 Update 1, two versions exist on the system: version 5.1 from Solaris 9, and version 6.2 from Java ES.

When you use Directory Server on such systems, you must make sure you use the command set associated with the version of Directory Server you are trying to administer.

On Solaris 10, cannot contact Directory Server Control Center even though it is running (6590078)

If you are running Solaris 10 08/07 or a Solaris 10 system with Solaris patch 120037–19 (x86) or 120473–10 (sparc) or newer, you might get an error of the following form when you try to connect to Directory Server Control Center:

Could not contact the DSCC agent on hostname. Use the command cacaoadm to
check that DSCC agent is installed and running on port port-number.

This error appears when the cacao process the Directory Server Control Center communicates with is owned by a non-root user, and the error appears even though Directory Server Control Center is running.

Solution Install patch 123896–14 (x86) or 123893–04 (sparc) or newer.

Monitoring Console Installation Issues

Monitoring Console cannot be installed on the same host as other Java ES components (6441664)

The Java ES installer allows you to select any and all components for installation along with the Sun Java System Monitoring Console. However, due a limitation of the Monitoring Console, it does not run when installed on the same host or in the same Solaris zone as the components that it monitors. If Monitoring Console is selected with other components, the installation will not fail, but you will not be able to configure and run the Monitoring Console.

Solution Install the Monitoring Console on a dedicated host where no other Java ES components are installed. When running the installer, do not select the Monitoring Console for installation when installing other components. For more details, see the procedure To Install the Monitoring Console with the Java ES Installer in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Monitoring Guide.

Alternatively, you can install the Monitoring Console on the same physical machine as other Java ES components by creating a dedicated logical host in a local zone with the Solaris 10 operating system. For more details, see the procedure To Install the Monitoring Console in a Solaris Zone in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Monitoring Guide.

If you wish to install Java ES components on a host where you previously installed and configured Monitoring Console, follow the procedure To Unconfigure the Monitoring Console in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Monitoring Guide

Monitoring Console must be installed in the default location (6471270)

When the Monitoring Console is not installed in the default location, it cannot be found by the Web Console and therefore cannot be launched.

Solution Do not specify a location other than the default when installing Monitoring Console.

Installer does not configure the Monitoring Console automatically (related to 6488160)

After installing the Sun Java System Monitoring Console, the Java ES installer does not automatically configure and start the Monitoring Console.

Solution You must manually run the commands to configure and start the Monitoring Console after installation. See the procedures for Installing the Monitoring Console in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Monitoring Guide, and then the procedure Starting the Monitoring Console in Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Monitoring Guide.

Portal Server Installation Issues

On Windows, Portal Server Not To Be Used as a Deployment Platform (no bug number)

On Microsoft Windows, Portal Server can only be used as an evaluation platform or as a development platform. It cannot be used as a deployment platform.

On Windows, Java ES Installer Does Not Produce a Valid Portal Server Installation (no bug number)

If you use the Java ES installer to install Portal Server on Microsoft Windows, the resulting installuation does not function correctly.

Solution Do not use the Java ES installer to install Portal Server on Windows. Instead, download Portal Server 7.1 Update 1 from the Sun Download Center at Follow the instructions in the ReadMe file that accompanies the download to produce a functioning installation of Portal Server.

On Windows, PS-SRA, FTP, And Netlet Do Not Work If Reverse Lookup Is Not Configured in DHCP (6472391)

While using the IP address in the netlet, if the reverse lookup entry for a particular host is not configured in the DHCP server, then the operation associated with that host does not work.

For example, if nslookup.exe ipaddress fails to return the host name then the netlet operations will not work for these IP addresses.

Solution Use host names instead of IP addresses.

Cannot log in to Mobile Access after installation (6437280)

The problem occurs because the filter entry for the AMLControllerFilter filter is commented in the web.xml file of the Access Manager web application.

Solution In the web.xml file of the Access Manager web application, uncomment the AMLControllerFilter filter entry.

Help file link does not work for iFrameprovider on the desktop (6199105)

Clicking on the help icon from the SampleIFrame Channel produces “HTTP Status 404 — /portal/docs/en/desktop/iframechann.htm” is not available.

Solution None. No help is provided with iFrame provider.

Installation and uninstallation of Portal Server appear to hang (5106639, 6350387)

During installation and uninstallation of Portal Server, the installer and uninstaller appear to hang.

Solution Ignore the apparent inactivity and wait for the Portal Server installation or uninstallation process, which can take up to 45 minutes on a low-end system, to complete.

During multisession installation of Portal Server Secure Remote Access, Access Host is not validated (6592103)

If you install Portal Server in one installer session, and then install Portal Server Secure Remote Access in a subsequent installer session, the installer does not validate the Access Host value you provide on the Portal Server: Secure Remote Access: Configure Access to Portal page in the subsequent session.

Solution None.

During multisession installation of Portal Server Secure Remote Access, Log User Password is not validated (6592140)

If you install Portal Server in one installer session, and then install Portal Server Secure Remote Access in a subsequent installer session, the installer does not validate the Log User Password value you provide on the Portal Server: Secure Remote Access: Configure Access to Portal page in the subsequent session.

As a consequence, the portal.fabric logs include errors such as PSFB_CSPFCO312: Incorrect LogUserPassword Entered and PSFB_CSPFCO189: Validation of gateway Data Failed.

Solution None.

Sun Cluster Installation Issues

Installer requests patch that is not applicable on Solaris 9, update 6 (6315304)

When installing Sun Cluster 10 on Solaris 9, update 6 for the x86 platform, the install fails because it requires a patch that is not applicable on update 6 (patch 117714–06).

Solution None. On the x86 platform, Sun Cluster requires Solaris 9, update 7 or later.

x86 machines running Solaris 10 fail to come up in cluster mode (6299971)

x86 machines running Solaris 10 fail to come up in cluster mode due to changes made for the Solaris boot architecture project. The following error messages are displayed when the machine boots up:

Use is subject to license terms.
NOTICE: Can't open /etc/cluster/nodeid

Configuring devices.
Hostname: pvyom1
devfsadm: minor_init failed for module /usr/lib/devfsadm/linkmod/
Loading smf(5) service descriptions: 24/24
/usr/cluster/bin/scdidadm: Could not load DID instance list.
Cannot open /etc/cluster/ccr/did_instances.
Not booting as part of a cluster
/usr/cluster/bin/scdidadm: Could not load DID instance list.
Cannot open /etc/cluster/ccr/did_instances.
Note: path_to_inst might not be updated. Please 'boot -r' as needed to update.

Solution Perform these steps:

  1. Add /etc/cluster/nodeid to /boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk.

  2. Enter these commands:

    # bootadm update-archive
    # reboot -- -r

Unable to form a 16-node cluster when all nodes are booted up at the same time (6320429)

Attempting to boot up all nodes of a 16 node cluster at the same time results in node panics and nodes hanging waiting for quorum.

This bug was caused due to incorrect configuration of the private interconnect switches. It is required to disable spanning tree for the switch ports used for the Sun Cluster private interconnects. This was not done for the switches on the 16 node cluster and hence this bug. The cluster cannot be brought online due to this bug.

In order to resolve this issue it is required to disable the spanning tree for the switch ports used for the Sun Cluster private interconnects.

Solution None.

Warning message is displayed for Sun Cluster localized package installation (6338473)

While installing Sun Cluster localized packages, the following warning message is displayed in the Java ES installation log. Localized packages are named SUNW*scspmu. This warning message does not appear when localized components are not selected to install.

Warning: smreg is obsolete and is preserved only for
compatibility with legacy console applications. Use wcadmin

Type "man wcadmin" or "wcadmin --help" for more information.

This warning is generated because Sun Cluster localization packages use the smreg command instead of wcadmin which is a new command in Sun Java(TM) Web Console 3.x. This message could mislead customers by implying that they need to perform another step to complete the Sun Cluster installation.

Solution This warning does not result from an installation error. You can safely ignore this warning message.

Sun Cluster HA Application Server Agent does not support Application Server 8.1 and HADB 8.1 (6212333)

The installer gives you the option of choosing to install the Sun Cluster HA Application Server Agent with Application Server and HADB 8.1. However, the HA Application Server Agent does not support Application Server and HADB 8.1. As a result, you cannot configure HA Application Server.

Solution Do not install the HA Application Server Agent with Application Server and HADB 8.1.

Sun Cluster Data Services for previous versions of Directory Server (no bug number)

Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 includes the Sun Cluster Data Service for the Sun Java System Directory Server 5 2004Q2. If you need the Sun Cluster Data Service for Sun Java System Directory Server 5.0 or 5.1 or for Netscape HTTP, version 4.1.6, it is available in the Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Services 10/03 release. To request this release, contact your Sun customer service representative.

Sun Cluster Data Service for Oracle Parallel Server/Real Application Clusters not installed from Sun Cluster 3.1 CD (no bug number)

Instead, it is installed from the Java Enterprise System 1 Accessory CD, volume 3. Also, the data services are not installed from the agents CD. Instead, they are installed from the Java Enterprise System 1 Accessory CD, volume 3.

Installer does not allow for additional Sun Cluster agents to be installed if one exists on system (no bug number)

If you have installed a Sun Cluster Agent prior to running the Java Enterprise System installer, the installer does not allow you to install additional agents.

Solution Install additional Sun Cluster Agents using pkgadd.

Web Server Installation Issues

On Windows, Web Server Services Do Not Start After a Successful Configuration in Evaluation Mode (6472285)

After installing Web Server in eval config mode on Windows, Web Server services are not started automatically.

Solution Manually start the Web Server services.

Web Server installation fails if install directory is populated with files from a previously installed version (no bug number)

Solution Back-up all your configuration files. Then, remove the install directory before installing Web Server using the Java Enterprise System installer.

In CLI mode, specifying an out-of-range port during Web Server installation generates a confusing message(6592653)

When installing Web Server in CLI mode, if you specify a port value that is out of range, the installer displays the following confusing message:


Solution None.

Web Proxy Server Installation Issues

Web Proxy Server Services Do Not Start After a Successful Configuration in Evaluation Mode (6472289)

After installing Web Server in eval config mode on Windows operating system, Web Proxy Server services are not started automatically.

Solution Manually start the Web Proxy Server services.