Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Release Notes

Solaris Requirements and Issues

Recommended Solaris Update Levels

Although Java ES 5 Update 1 is support on all versions of Solaris 9 and Solaris 10 on SPARC and x86 platforms, Sun recommends that you use the following updates:

Solaris Software Groups Supported

Java ES runs on Solaris systems installed using the following Solaris software groups:

Minimized Installation on Solaris 10 (6331921)

Java ES can also run on a minimized Solaris 10 system installed using SUNWCreq (Core System Solaris Software Group) or SUNWCuser (End User Solaris Software Group), provided you are not installing Sun Cluster or Sun Cluster Geographic Edition.

To install Java ES 5 Update 1 on Solaris 10 system that has SUNWCreq installed, add these packages:







If you will be using the graphical (GUI) installer, also add these packages:









Note that you must add SUNWxwplt before SUNWxwplr to satisfy dependency requirements.

Note –

Java ES has been tested with the two minimized Solaris 10 installations listed above. However, it is possible that using certain features of Java ES components may require additional packages.

Required Patch Clusters for Solaris

Many Java ES components require particular Solaris patches to operate correctly. The installer checks for these patches based on the components you choose to install, and reports a list of any you need to add. If you are upgrading, or if you want to prepare your system before running the installer, you can download and apply a patch cluster that contains all the operating system patches needed to run all Java ES components. To acquire one of these patch clusters:

  1. Go to

  2. Click “Patches and Updates”.

  3. Click “Recommended Patch Clusters”.

  4. Locate the patch cluster beginning with “Java ES Required OS” that applies to your OS version and download it.

Note that these patch clusters may contain Solaris kernel patches. Therefore, make sure you:

Also note that most of the OS patches required by Java ES are already included in recent Solaris updates. Therefore, if you are running a recent Solaris update, you can run the Java ES installer to discover the few patches you need to apply and download them instead of downloading the entire patch cluster.