Sun Java System Messenger Express 6 2005Q4 Customization Guide

Example—Title Text Modification

The example shown in Example—Title Text Modification customizes the text to “Inbox for user.”

Figure 2–8 Example Title Text Modification

In Figure 2-8  the title text has been customized to "Inbox for

Example—Title Text Modification shows the necessary changes to be made in file main.js to alter the graphic title.

Example 2–7 Altering Graphic Title

<TD width=1% nowrap bgcolor="'+ chrome1 +'"\><NOBR\>
<IMG src="imx/
                width="273" height="27"
 alt="'+i18n['Sun Java System Messenger Express']+'"
align=texttop border=0 hspace=5 vspace=3


Example—Title Text Modification shows the necessary changes to be made file en/i18n.js to alter the title text.

Example 2–8 Altering Title Text

function i18n_tab_header(user) {
return ’<nobr\>&nbsp;&nbsp;
               Inbox for
                ’ + user