Sun Java System Messenger Express 6 2005Q4 Customization Guide

Disabling Filtering of the HTML Tags

For security reasons the Sun Java System Messenger Express server filters the HTML tags that are used to encode multimedia in mails which are in HTML format. The user can disable the filtering of these HTML tags in the mails.

ProcedureTo disable the filtering of the HTML tags:


    Change the /html/main.js file to disable filtering the HTML tags in the mails.

Example— Disable the filtering of the HTML tags

The example shows how to disable filtering of JavaScript tags in the mails.

Example— Disable the filtering of the HTML tags shows the /html/main.js file before changing the file for disabling the filtering of Javascript tags in the mails.

Example 3–24 Before editing the main.js file.

load(msgFrame, msgHREF + 'msg.msc?sid=' + sid + '&security=' +
security + '&mbox=' + encode(selectmbox) + '&uid=' + num +
'&process=js,link,target,html' + 
binhex + maxtext +


Example— Disable the filtering of the HTML tags shows the changes to be made in the /html/main.js file for disabling the filtering of Javascript tags in the mails

Example 3–25 After altering themain.js file.

load(msgFrame, msgHREF + 'msg.msc?sid=' + sid + '&security=' +
security + '&mbox=' + encode(selectmbox) + '&uid=' + num +

'&process=link,target,html' + 
binhex + maxtext +