Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Administration Reference

imsimta counters

The MTA accumulates message traffic counters for each of its active channels. These statistics, referred to as channel counters, are kept in shared memory. The imsimta counters command manipulates these counters.


imsimta counters -clear

imsimta counters -create [-max_channels=value]

imsimta counters -delete

imsimta counters -show [-associations | -noassociations] [-channels |
-nochannels] [-headers | -noheaders] [-output=file_spec]


The options for this command are:



-associations |-noassociations

Specifies whether or not to show the in-memory cache of association counters. The -associations option is the default. This option is only used with the -show option.

-channels |-nochannels

Specifies whether or not to show the in-memory cache or channel counters. The -channels option is the default. This option is only used with the -show option.


The -clear command clears the in-memory channel counters.


Creates the in-memory channel counters. Counters are not created by default. You must create the counters if you wish to use them. You must create them after restarting the MTA as well. 

-headers |-noheaders

Controls whether or not a header line describing each column in the table of counters is output. The -headers option is the default. This option is only used with the -show option.


By default, the in-memory channel counters can hold information for CHANNEL_TABLE_SIZE channels. CHANNEL_TABLE_SIZE is the value specified by the MTA option file option of the same name. Use the -max_channels=value option to select a different size. This option is used only with the -create option.


Deletes the in-memory channel counters. 


Displays the in-memory channel counters. 

-headers | -noheaders

Controls whether or not a header line describing each column in the table of counters is output. The -headers option is the default. This option is only used with the -show option.


Directs the output to the specified file. By default, the output appears on your display. This option is only used with the -show option.


To display the counters for all channels:

imsimta counters -show