Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 MTA Developer's Reference

Considerations for Persistent Programs

There are two main problems to consider when creating programs that persist over long periods of time (for weeks or months):

Refreshing Stale Configuration Information

Some programs, once started, run indefinitely (for weeks or months). An example of this kind of program is a server that listens continually for incoming mail connections, enqueuing received messages. Site-specific configuration information is loaded at initialization. In the case of these long running programs, the information can become stale due to changes to configuration information, such as rewrite rules or channel definitions. Subsequent calls to mtaInit() do not accomplish this task. A program must exit and restart in order to ensure that all configuration information is reloaded.

Keeping the Log File Available For Update

A program that enqueues and dequeues messages may open the MTA log file, mail.log_current. For persistent programs, care should be taken that this log file is not left open during periods of inactivity. Otherwise, activities that require exclusive access to this file will be blocked. Before going idle, persistent programs should call mtaAccountingLogClose(). The log file will automatically reopened when needed.

Note –

The MTA log file, mail.log_current, is not the log written to by mtaLog().