Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7.2 Administration Guide

Completing the Configuration Checklist

You should gather this information before you begin. You will be prompted for some or all of the information depending on the components you installed.

Print out the following table and write the values for your deployment in the space provided. You can reuse this checklist for multiple installations of Instant Messaging. This table contains passwords and other sensitive information, so you should store this information in a safe place.

(Solaris Only) If you will be configuring High Availability service for Instant Messaging, see Instant Messaging HA Overview for specific information about values you can use for these parameters and additional parameters for your checklist.

Table 1–1 Configuration Parameters for Instant Messaging



Your Value 

Installation Directory


Directory in which Instant Messaging is installed. 

By default, Instant Messaging is installed into the /opt directory as follows:

Solaris: /opt/SUNWiim

Linux: /opt/sun/im

(Solaris Only) If you will be configuring High Availability service for Instant Messaging, see Selecting the Installation Directory (im-svr-base) for information about choosing an installation directory.


Instant Messaging Server Host and Domain Name

Host name on which Instant Messaging is installed and the domain name associated with the host. For example: 

Host Name:

Domain Name:

(Solaris Only) If you will be configuring High Availability service for Instant Messaging, use the logical host name. 


Instant Messaging Server Port Number

The port number on which the Instant Messaging Server listens for incoming requests from the multiplexor. 

Default: 45222 


Instant Messaging Server-to-Server Port Number

The port number on which the Instant Messaging server listens for incoming requests from other Instant Messaging servers. In addition, if no multiplexor is installed, the server listens for incoming requests from Instant Messenger clients on this port. 

Default: 5269 


Multiplexor Port Number 

(Multiplexor Configuration Only)

The port number on which the Instant Messaging Server listens for incoming requests from Instant Messenger clients. 

Default: 5222 


Disable Server

Select this option if the instance you installed will act as a multiplexor and not a server. If you select this option, you must provide a value for Remote Instant Messaging Server Host Name. 


Remote Instant Messaging Server Host Name

(Multiplexor Configuration Only) 

The host name of the Instant Messaging Server for which this multiplexor routes messages. If the multiplexor and server are installed on the same host, use localhost. (Solaris Only) If you will be configuring High Availability service for Instant Messaging, use the logical host's name.

Dependencies: The Disable Server parameter must be selected, that is, server functionality is disabled. 


Sun Java System Access Manager Configuration 

If the configure utility detects that you have installed the Access Manager SDK, you will be prompted to provide answers for the following questions related to Access Manager:

  • Are you planning to leverage an Access Manager deployment for SSO?

    If you enter yes, configure sets the iim_server.usesso parameter in iim.conf to 1. See Table A–4 for more information about this parameter.

  • Are you planning to leverage an Access Manager deployment for Policy?

    If you choose yes you need to run the imadmin assign_services command when you are finished running the configure utility. See To Configure Instant Messaging After Installation and Assigning Instant Messaging and Presence Services to End Users for more instructions on using the imadmin assign_services command.

    If you choose no, you will be asked whether you want to store user, conference room, and news channel properties in a file or in LDAP.

  • In addition, if Instant Messaging will use Access Manager policies in a Sun Java System Application Server deployment, you need to restart the Application Server when you finish configuring Instant Messaging. If you do not restart the Application Server, Instant Messaging services will not appear in the Access Manager console (amconsole).


Sun Java System Calendar Server and Calendar Agent Configuration 

The configure utility asks if you want to enable the Calendar agent. If you choose to enable the Calendar agent, you need to provide the following information:

  • Notification server hostname.

  • Notification server port number.

  • Calendar alarm URL.

If you choose not to enable the Calendar agent, you can manually configure the Calendar agent later. More information about the Calendar agent configuration parameters and acceptable values is described in Chapter 16, Using Calendar Pop-up Reminders.


Enable Instant Messaging Archive 


If selected, enables Sun Java System Portal Server search-based archiving for Instant Messaging. 

Dependencies: Sun Java System Portal Server and Sun Java System Access Manager. 


LDAP Host Name

In a deployment with an LDAP server, the host name of the LDAP server that contains user and group information for Instant Messaging. For example,

Dependencies: LDAP server such as Sun Java System Directory Server.


LDAP Port Number

In a deployment with an LDAP server, the port number on which the directory server listens for incoming requests. For example, 389 .

Dependencies: LDAP server such as Sun Java System Directory Server.


Base DN 

In a deployment with an LDAP server, the base distinguished name in the directory tree that contains user and group information for Instant Messaging. For example,

Dependencies: LDAP server such as Sun Java System Directory Server.


Bind DN 

In a deployment with Sun Java System Access Manager, during installation, you must provide the Directory Manager Bind DN and password. This Bind DN is used to update the directory schema with the Instant Messaging and presence service templates and attributes only. This requires Directory Manager access. The Directory Manager Bind DN and password are not saved or used beyond installation and initial configuration. 

In a deployment with an LDAP server but without Access Manager, Instant Messaging uses this Bind DN to search users and groups in the directory. Leave this blank if the directory can be searched anonymously. You can change the bind credentials later if required as described in To Configure Bind Credentials for the Instant Messaging Server.

Dependencies: LDAP server such as Sun Java System Directory Server.


Bind Password 

In a deployment with an LDAP server, the Bind DN password.


SMTP Server Host Name 


The host name of the SMTP server used to send email notification of messages to offline users. For example, If the SMTP server does not use port 25, specify the port along with the host name. For example, if the SMTP server uses port 1025:

Dependencies: SMTP server such as Sun Java System Messaging Server. 


Database, Logs, and Runtime Files Pathname 

The location where the runtime files, database, and logs are stored. Also referred to as im-runtime-base. Runtime files are read, created, and modified by the server during its normal operations. Some examples include log files, and persistent state information tied to client actions such as alert messages, roster information, conferences, news channels, and so on.

If you are configuring High Availability (HA) for Instant Messaging, this path must be globally available. See Chapter 4, Configuring Instant Messaging for High Availability (Solaris Only) for more information about HA.

The configure utility appends a directory (/default) to the path you provide for the runtime files. The name of this directory is the instance to which the runtime files apply. Later, you can create multiple instances of Instant Messaging by creating additional instance directories with different names (for example /secure) and copying over files from the /default instance runtime directory. See Creating Multiple Instances from a Single Instant Messaging Installation for specific instructions.

If you accept the following defaults when you run configure:

Solaris: /var/opt/SUNWiim/

Linux: /var/opt/sun/im/

The configure utility creates the following directories for the runtime files:

Solaris: /var/opt/SUNWiim/default

Linux: /var/opt/sun/im/default

In addition, the following two subdirectories are created under the runtime directory.  

The database directory (im-db-base) defaults are as follows:

Solaris: /var/opt/SUNWiim/default/db

Linux: /var/opt/sun/im/default/db

The log directory defaults are as follows: 

Solaris: /var/opt/SUNWiim/default/log

Linux: /var/opt/sun/im/default/log


Resources, Help Files, and HTTP Gateway Pathname 

Resource Directory.

The directory in which the resource files, online help, and the XMPP/HTTP Gateway are installed.

If you want to customize the resource files for your deployment, you should run configure utility, customize the files, then redeploy the resource files. You need to run configure first because the configure utility creates some of the index and .jnlp files that you can customize. See Redeploying Resource Files for information.




XMPP/HTTP Gateway Deployment 

Determines whether or not the XMPP/HTTP gateway will be deployed. If you choose to deploy the gateway, the configure utility creates a default gateway configuration file (httpbind.conf) in the default Instant Messaging server instance's im-cfg-base directory if one does not already exist. If httpbind.conf already exists, the configure utility does not alter or overwrite the file.

Default: True (gateway is deployed)



Defines the URI for the HTTP component of the XMPP/HTTP gateway. 





The URL from which Instant Messenger accesses resources, including the start page for initial downloads of the Instant Messaging client. 

The installation program installs the resource files into the following locations: 

Linux: /opt/sun/im/html

Solaris: /opt/SUNWiim/html

The configure utility uses the codebase to determine which web container instance to use. If it succeeds, the configure utility deploys the Instant Messenger resources as a web application in the web container, according to the URL provided. If no supported web container is detected, you will be prompted for a file system location in which to copy or link the resources.

If you are using Instant Messaging with Sun Java System Application Server or Sun Java System Web Server, the configure utility automatically publishes the resource files to the web container for you. For Sun Java System Application Server, the configure utility uses the asadmin command, for Sun Java System Web Server 6, the configure utility uses the wdeploy command, for Sun Java System Web Server 7, the configure utility uses the wadm command.

If you are using a different web container, the configure utility copies the files to a location you specify. This should include the web container’s doc root. Alternatively, you can add the resource files installation directory as a doc root in your web container’s configuration. See the documentation for your web container for more specific instructions.

In addition, you can use a symbolic link to make the resources visible to the web container. For example, on Solaris the resources can be made visible to the web container by creating the following symbolic link: 

ln -s /opt/SUNWiim/html docroot/im

Where docroot is the doc root of the web container, for example /opt/web.

If you are using SSO with Sun Java System Access Manager, the Access Manager server and Instant Messaging server must be configured to use the same web container.  

See your web container documentation for more information about deploying resource files as a web application. See Changing the Codebase if you need to modify the location of the resource files after initial configuration.