Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7.2 Administration Guide

Administering the Instant Messaging Redirect Server

Information about administering the Instant Messaging redirect server is described in the following sections:

Stopping, Starting, Restarting, Refreshing, and Checking the Status of the Instant Messaging Redirect Server

The redirect server is an Instant Messaging server instance that has been configured only to redirect. Use the same procedures for stopping, starting, restarting, refreshing, and checking status that you use for a normal server instance. For example, to start the redirect server, you would type:

imadmin start server

See Stopping, Starting, Refreshing, and Checking Instant Messaging Components for more information.

Instant Messaging Redirect Server Logging

The redirect server is an Instant Messaging server instance that has been configured only to redirect. Use the same instructions and logs that you use for a normal server instance. See Chapter 13, Managing Logging for Instant Messaging for more information.

Setting the Partition Size for the Instant Messaging Redirect Server

You can specify the maximum partition size by setting the iim_server.redirect.db.partitionsize parameter in iim.conf. The value for this parameter is equal to the number of users allowed per partition. The default is 5000 (users).

Specifying the List of Partitions for the Instant Messaging Redirect Server

The redirect.partitions file defines the primary node to which users in a particular partition will be redirected and a series of fallback nodes if desired. Each non-empty, non-commented line in the file defines the node list for a partition. Each node in the list must correspond to a node defined as a value for the parameter in iim.conf. If there are more partitions defined than there are lines in the redirect.partitions file, the unspecified partitions are handled by round-robin.

By default, the redirect.partitions file is stored in the following location:


Example 7–2 Redirect.partitions File Configuration

This redirect.partitions file example assumes the following:

In this scenario, redirect.partitions might look as follows:

imserverA, imserverB, imserverC
imserverB, imserverC

That there are two non-empty, non-commented lines indicates that there are at least two user partitions. The first line defines the redirect behavior for partition 1. The redirect server will redirect partition 1 users first to imserverA. If that fails, the redirect server tries imserverB then imserverC. If no nodes are operational, the redirect server returns an error to the client.