Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Control Formatting of Log Entries

  1. Edit the MTA option.dat file.

  2. Set the LOG_FORMAT option.

    • 1 (default) the standard format.

    • 2 requests non-null formatting: empty address fields are converted to the string “<>.”

    • 3 requests counted formatting: all variable length fields are preceded by N, where N is a count of the number of characters in the field.

    • 4 causes log entries to be written in an XML-compatible format. Entry log entry appears as a single XML element containing multiple attributes and no sub-elements. Three elements are currently defined, en for enqueue/dequeue entries, co for connection entries, and he for header entries.

      Enqueue/dequeue (en) elements can have the following attributes:

      ts - time stamp (always present)
      no - node name (present if LOG_NODE=1)
      pi - process id (present if LOG_PROCESS=1)
      sc - source channel (always present)
      dc - destination channel (always present)
      ac - action (always present)
      sz - size (always present)
      so - source address (always present)
      od - original destination address (always present)
      de - destination address (always present)
      rf - recipient flags (present if LOG_NOTARY=1)
      fi - filename (present if LOG_FILENAME=1)
      ei - envelope id (present if LOG_ENVELOPE_ID=1)
      mi - message id (present if LOG_MESSAGE_ID=1)
      us - username (present if LOG_USERNAME=1)
      ss - source system (present if bit 0 of LOG_CONNECTION
           is set and source system information is available)
      se - sensitivity (present if LOG_SENSITIVITY=1)
      pr - priority (present if LOG_PRIORITY=1)
      in - intermediate address (present if LOG_INTERMEDIATE=1)
      ia - initial address (present if bit 0 of LOG_INTERMEDIATE
           is set and intermediate address information is available)
      fl - filter (present if LOG_FILTER=1 and filter information
           is available)     
      re - reason (present if LOG_REASON=1 and reason string is set)
      di - diagnostic (present if diagnostic info available)
      tr - transport information (present if bit 5 of LOG_CONNECTION
           is set and transport information is available)
      ap - application information (present if bit 6 of LOG_CONNECTION
           is set and application information is available)
      qt - the amount of time a message has spent in the queue (LOG_QUEUE_TIME=1)

      Here is a sample en entry:

      <en ts="2004-12-08T00:40:26.70" pi="0d3730.10.43" sc="tcp_local"
      dc="l" ac="E" sz="12" so=""
      de="" rf="22"
      fi="/path/ZZ01LI4XPX0DTM00IKA8.00" ei=""
      mi="<11a3b401c4dd01$7c1c1ee0$1906fad0@elara>" us=""
      ss=" ([])"
      in="" ia=""
      fl="spamfilter1:rvLiXh158xWdQKa9iJ0d7Q==, addheader, keep"/>

      Note that this entry has been wrapped for clarity; actual log file entries always appear on a single line.

      Connection (co) entries can have the following attributes:

      ts - time stamp (always present, also used in en entries)
      no - node name (present if LOG_NODE=1, also used in en entries)
      pi - process id (present if LOG_PROCESS=1, also used in en entries)
      sc - source channel (always present, also used in en entries)
      dr - direction (always present)
      ac - action (always present, also used in en entries)
      tr - transport information (always present, also used in en entries)
      ap - application information (always present, also used in en entries)
      mi - message id (present only if message id info available,
           also used in en entries)
      us - username (present only if username information available, also
           used in en entries)
      di - diagnostic (present only if diagnostic information available,
           also used in en entries)
      ct - the amount of time a message has spent in the queue (LOG_QUEUE_TIME=1, 
      also used in en entries)

      Here is a sample co entry:

      <co ts="2004-12-08T00:38:28.41" pi="1074b3.61.281" sc="tcp_local" dr="+"
      ac="O" tr="TCP||25||33469" ap="SMTP"/>

      Header (he) entries have the following attributes:

      ts - time stamp (always present, also used in en entries)
      no - node name (present if LOG_NODE=1, also used in en entries)
      pi - process id (present if LOG_PROCESS=1, also used in en entries)
      va - header line value (always present)

      Here is a sample he entry:

      <he ts="2004-12-08T00:38:31.41" pi="1074b3.61.281" va="Subject: foo"/>