Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Administration Reference

SMS Channel Option File

The Messaging Server SMS (Short Message Service) channel is a one-way email to SMS gateway. Mail can be sent to an SMS gateway, but handling of SMS notifications (that is, replies and delivery receipts) and origination of email from SMS users (mobile to email) is presently not supported. The channel converts enqueued email messages to SMS messages. This conversion process includes handling of multipart MIME messages as well as character set translation issues.

The generated SMS messages are submitted to a Short Message Service Centre (SMSC) using the Short Message Peer to Peer (SMPP) protocol. Specifically, SMPP V3.4 is used over a TCP/IP connection to the SMSC’s SMPP server. Operating in this capacity, the channel functions as a External Short Message Entity (ESME).

For more information about the SMS channel, see the Sun Java System Messaging Server Administration Guide.

An option file may be used to control various characteristics of the SMS channel. The channel options are stored in a text file in the msg-svr-base/config/ directory. The name of the file takes the form:


For instance, if the channel is named sms_mway, then the channel option file is:


Format of the File

Each option is placed on a single line in the file using the format:


For example:


A sample option file named sms_option.sample is distributed with Sun Java System Messaging Server. Copy this option file and use it as a starting point.

Available Options

The SMS channel contains a number of options which divide into four broad categories: email to SMS conversion, SMS fields, SMPP protocol, and localization. These categories and their corresponding options are detailed in the following sections.

Email to SMS Conversion

The email to SMS conversion options control the email to SMS conversion process. In general, a given email message may be converted into one or more SMS messages. These options are described in Table 4–29.

Table 4–29 SMS Channel Options: Email to SMS Conversion




Specify whether or not to convert email notification messages to SMS messages. 

Default: 0


Maximum number of message parts to extract from an email message. 

When converting a multi-part email message to an SMS message, only the first MAX_MESSAGE_PARTS text parts will be converted. The remaining parts are discarded. By default, MAX_MESSAGE_PARTS is 2. To allow an unlimited number of message parts, specify a value of -1. When a value of 0 is specified, then no message content will be placed into the SMS message. This has the effect of using only header lines from the email message (for example, Subject:) to generated the SMS message.

Note that an email message containing both text and an attachment will typically consist of two parts. Note further that only message parts of type text are converted. All other MIME content types are discarded. 

MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE (Integer, >=10)

Maximum number of bytes to extract from an email message. 

With this option, an upper limit may be placed on the total number of bytes placed into the SMS messages generated from an email message. Specifically, a maximum of MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE bytes will be used for the one or more generated SMS messages. Any additional bytes are discarded.

By default, an upper limit of 960 bytes is imposed. This corresponds to MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE=960. To allow any number of bytes, specify a value of zero.

The count of bytes used is made after converting the email message from Unicode to either the SMSC’s default character set or UCS2. This means, in the case of UCS2, that a MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE of 960 bytes will yield, at most, 480 characters since each UCS2 character is at least two bytes long.

Note that the MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE and MAX_PAGES_PER_MESSAGE options both serve the same purpose: to limit the overall size of the resulting SMS messages. For example, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE=960 and MAX_PAGE_SIZE=160 implies MAX_PAGES_PER_MESSAGE=6. The two different options exist to allow control of the overall size or number of pages without having to consider the maximal size of a single SMS message, MAX_PAGE_SIZE. While this may not be important in the channel option file, it is important when using the MAXPAGES or MAXLEN addressing attributes described in the Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 Administration Guide.

Finally, note that the smaller of the two limits of MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE and MAX_PAGE_SIZE * MAX_PAGES_PER_MESSAGE is used.

MAX_PAGE_SIZE (Integer, >=10)

Maximum number of bytes to allow into a single SMS message. By default, a value of 160 bytes is used. 

MAX_PAGES_PER_MESSAGE (Integer, 1-255)

Maximum number of SMS messages to generate for a given email message. This option truncates the email message, only converting to SMS messages that part of the email message which fits into MAX_PAGES_PER_MESSAGE SMS messages.

By default, MAX_PAGES_PER_MESSAGE is set to the larger of 1 or MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE divided by MAX_PAGE_SIZE.


Route SMS messages to the specified IP host name. 


Default character set used by the SMSC. The character set names in the msg-svr-base/imta/confic/charsets.txt file are used. US-ASCII is the default.

When processing an email message, the header lines and text message parts are first decoded and then converted to Unicode. Next, the data is converted to either the SMCS’s default character set or USC2, as follows: 

  • 1—The SMSC default character set is used whenever possible. When the originating email message contains glyphs not in the SMSC default character set, then the UCS2 character set is used.

  • 0—The SMSC default character set is always used. Glyphs nor available in that character set are represented by mnemonics (for example, “AE” for AE-ligature).


Set this option to allow the From: address to be passed to the SMS channel. The value indicates where the From: address is taken from and what format it will have.

0—SMS source address never set from the From: address. Use attribute-value pair found

1—SMS source address set to from-local@from-domain, where the From: address is: @from-route:from-local@from-domain

2—SMS source address set to from-local, where the From: address is: @from-route:from-local@from-domain

Default: 0


Controls the use of priority information from the email message’s header (RFC822 Priority: header lines). By default, information from the Priority: header line is used to set the resulting SMS message’s priority flag, overriding the default SMS priority specified with the DEFAULT_PRIORITY option. This case corresponds to USE_HEADER_PRIORITY=1. To disable use of the RFC822 Priority: header line, specify USE_HEADER_PRIORITY=0.

The default is USE_HEADER_PRIORITY =1.

See the description of the DEFAULT_PRIORITY option for further information on the handling the SMS priority flag.


Controls the use of Reply-to: header lines when generating SMS source addresses. When SET_SMS_SOURCE_ADDRESS=1, this option controls whether or not a Reply-to: or Resent-reply-to: header line is considered for use as the SMS source address. By default, Reply-to: and Resent-reply-to: header lines are ignored. This corresponds to an option value of 0. To enable consideration of these header lines, use an option value of 1.

Note that RFC 2822 has deprecated the use of Reply-to: and Resent-reply-to: header lines. This is the reason why, by default, USE_HEADER_REPLY_TO=0.


Controls the use of Resent-*: header lines when generating originator information. When SET_SMS_SOURCE_ADDRESS=1, this option controls whether or not Resent- header lines are considered for use as the SMS source address. By default, Resent- header lines are ignored. This corresponds to an option value of 0. To enable consideration of these header lines, use an option value of 1.

Note that RFC 2822 has deprecated the use of Resent- header lines; hence, why this option has the default value of 0.


Controls the use of privacy information from the email message’s header (RFC822 Sensitivity: header lines).By default, information from the Sensitivity: header line is used to set the resulting SMS message’s privacy flag, overriding the default SMS privacy specified with the DEFAULT_PRIVACY option. This case, which is the default, corresponds to USE_HEADER_SENSITIVITY=1. To disable use of RFC822 Sensitivity: header lines, specify USE_HEADER_SENSITIVITY=0.

See the description of the DEFAULT_PRIVACY option for further information on the handling the SMS privacy flag.

USE_UCS2 (0 or 1)

Specifies that the UCS2 character set is to be used in SMS messages when applicable. The default behavior is to use the UCS2 character set, and corresponds to USE_UCS2=1. To disable the use of the UCS2 character set, specify USE_UCS2=0. See the description of the SMSC_DEFAULT_CHARSET option for further information on character set issues.

SMS Gateway Server Option

The SMS Gateway Server Option specifies the Gateway profile. shows. This option is described in Table 4–30.

Table 4–30 SMS Channel Options: SMS Gateway Server Option




Match the gateway profile name configured in the SMS Gateway Server’s configuration file, sms_gateway.cnf.

SMS Fields

The SMS fields options control SMS-specific fields in generated SMS messages. These options are described in Table 4–31.

Table 4–31 SMS Channel Options: SMS Fields




Default NPI for SMS destination addresses. By default, destination addresses are assigned an NPI (Numeric Plan Indicator) value of zero. With this option, an integer value in the range 0 to 255 may be assigned. Typical NPI values include:


1—ISDN (E.163, E.164)

3—Data (X.121)

4—Telex (F.69)

6—Land Mobile (E.212)




14—IP address (Internet)

18—WAP client ID

>=19— Undefined

Values for this option may be specified in one of three ways: 

  • A decimal value (for example, 10).

  • A hexadecimal value prefixed by 0x (for example, 0x0a).

  • One of the following case-insensitive text strings (the associated decimal value is shown in parentheses): data (3), default (0), e.163 (1), e.212 (6), ermes (10), f.69 (4), internet (14), ip (14), isdn (1), land-mobile (6), national (8), private (9), telex (4), unknown (0), wap (18), x.121 (3).


Default TON for SMS destination addresses. By default, destination addresses are assigned a TON (Type of Number) designator value of zero. With this option, an alternate integer value in the range of 0 to 255 may be assigned. Typical TON values include:




3—Network- specific

4—Subscriber number




Values for this option may be specified in one of three ways: 

  • A decimal value (for example, 10).

  • A hexadecimal value prefixed by 0x (for example, 0x0a).

  • One of the following case-insensitive text strings (the associated decimal value is shown in parentheses): abbreviated (6), alphanumeric (5), default (0), international (1), national (2), network-specific (3), subscriber (4), unknown (0).

DEFAULT_PRIORITY (Integer, 0-255)

Default priority setting for SMS messages. All SMS messages have a mandatory priority field. The interpretation of SMS priority values is described in Table 4–32.

With this option, the default priority to assign to SMS messages may be specified. When not specified, a default priority of 0 is used for PROFILE=GSM and CDMA, and a priority of 1 for PROFILE=TDMA.

Note that if USE_HEADER_PRIORITY=1 and an email message has an RFC822 Priority: header line, then the priority specified in that header line is instead used to set the priority of the resulting SMS message. Specifically, the results are as follows:

0—The SMS priority flag is always set in accord with the DEFAULT_PRIORITY option. The RFC822 Priority: header line is always ignored.

1 (default)—The originating email message’s RFC822 Priority: header line is used to set the SMS message’s priority flag. If that header line is not present, then the SMS priority flag is set using the DEFAULT_PRIORITY option.

In translating RFC822 Priority: header line values to SMS priority flags, the mappings used are described in Table 4–33.

DEFAULT_PRIVACY (Integer, -1, 0-255)

Default privacy value flag for SMS messages. Whether or not to set the privacy flag in an SMS message, and what value to use is controlled by the DEFAULT_PRIVACY and USE_HEADER_SENSITIVITY options. By default, a value of -1 is used for DEFAULT_PRIVACY.

The results from the combination of DEFAULT_PRIVACY and USE_HEADER_SENSITIVITY values are described in Table 4–34.

The SMS interpretation of privacy values is as follows: 

  • 0—Unrestricted

  • 1—Restricted

  • 2—Confidential

  • 3—Secret

  • >=4—Undefined

    To translate Sensitivity: header line values to SMS privacy values, the following mapping is used:

  • Personal—1 (Restricted

  • Private—2 (Confidential)

DEFAULT_SERVICE_TYPE (String, 055 bytes)

SMS application service associated with submitted SMS messages. By default, no service type is specified (that is, a zero length string). Some common service types are: CMT (cellular messaging), SPT (cellular paging), VMN (voice mail notification), VMA (voice mail alerting), WAP (wireless application protocol), and USSD (unstructured supplementary data services). 

DEFAULT_SOURCE_ADDRESS (String, 0-20 bytes)

Default SMS source address to use for SMS messages generated from email messages. Note that the value specified with this option is typically overridden by the email message’s originator address when SET_SMS_SOURCE_ADDRESS=1. The default is no source address is specified (0 length string).

DEFAULT_SOURCE_NPI (Integer, 0-255)

Default NPI for SMS source addresses. By default, source addresses are assigned an NPI value of zero. With this option, an alternate integer value in the range of 0 to 255 may be assigned. See the description of the DEFAULT_DESTINATION_NPI option for a list of typical NPI values.

DEFAULT_SOURCE_TON (Integer, 0-255)

Default TON for SMS source addresses. By default, source addresses are assigned a TON designator value of zero. With this option, an alternate integer value in the range of 0 to 255 may be assigned. See the description of the DEFAULT_DESTINATION_TON option for a list of typical TON values.

DEFAULT_VALIDITY_PERIOD (String, 0-252 bytes)

Default validity period for SMS messages. This option specifies a different relative validity period. By default, SMS messages are given no relative validity period, using the SMSC’s default value. Values may be specified in units of seconds, minutes, hours, or days: 

nnn—Implicit units of seconds; for example, 604800nnns—Units of seconds; for example, 604800snnnm—Units of minutes; for example, 10080mnnnh—Units of hours; for example, 168hnnnd—Units of days, for example, 7d

A specification of 0, 0s, 0m, 0h, or 0d may be used to select the SMSC’s default validity period. That is, when a specification of 0, 0s, 0m, 0h, or 0d is used, an empty string is specified for the validity period in generated SMS messages.

Note that this option does not accept values in UTC format. 


Reduce the destination SMS address to only the characters 0-9. This option strips all non-numeric characters from the SMS destination address extracted from the email envelope To: address. For instance, if the envelope To: address is: 

"(800) 555-1212"

then it will be reduced to:

To enable this stripping, specify a value of 1 for this option. By default, this stripping is disabled which corresponds to an option value of 0. Note that when enabled, the stripping is performed before any destination address prefix is added via the DESTINATION_ADDRESS_PREFIX option.


Text string with which to prefix destinationSMS addresses. In some instances, it may be necessary to ensure that all SMS destination addresses are prefixed with a fixed text string; for example, “+”. This option may be used to specify just such a prefix. The prefix will then be added to any SMS destination address which lacks the specified prefix. To prevent being stripped by the DESTINATION_ADDRESS_NUMERIC option, this option is applied after the DESTINATION_ADDRESS_NUMERIC option.

PROFILE (String)

Specifies the SMS profile to use with the SMSC. Possible values are GSM, TDMA, and CDMA. When not specified, GSM is assumed. This option is only used to select defaults for other channel options such as DEFAULT_PRIORITY and DEFAULT_PRIVACY.


Set the SMS source address to the originator address of the email message. Use of this option forces the SMS source address TON to be set to alphanumeric (0x05), and the SMS source address to be an originator address extracted from the email message. As email messages may have a number of originator addresses, the particular address chosen is the one most likely to be the address to which any replies should be directed. Consequently, the choice is made from one of the seven header lines described in Table 4–35, listed in order of decreasing preference:

The selected address is reduced to just its local and domain parts; that is, any source route, phrase, or comments are stripped from the address. Furthermore, if the length of the reduced address exceeds 20 bytes, it will be truncated to 20 bytes. 

When none of the seven listed header lines are suitable, the default source SMS address is instead used as specified with the DEFAULT_SOURCE_ADDRESS option. In that case, the TON is set as per the DEFAULT_SOURCE_TON.

To enable this option, specify SET_SMS_SOURCE_ADDRESS=1. By default, this option is enabled.

USE_SAR (0 or 1)

Sequence multiple SMS messages using the SMS sar_fields. Sufficiently large email messages may need to be broken into multiple SMS messages. When this occurs, the individual SMS messages can optionally have sequencing information added using the SMS sar_ fields. This produces a “segmented” SMS message which can be re-assembled into a single SMS message by the receiving terminal. Specify USE_SAR=1 to indicate that this sequencing information is to be added when applicable. The default is to not add sequencing information and corresponds to USE_SAR=0.

When USE_SAR=1 is specified, the REVERSE_ORDER option is ignored.

Table 4–32 describes the interpretation of the priority field for the DEFAULT_PRIORITY option.

Table 4–32 Priority Fields for DEFAULT_PRIORITY

















Table 4–33 describes the mappings used in translating Priority: header line values to SMS priority flags for the DEFAULT_PRIORITY option.

Table 4–33 Mappings for Priority Flags


SMS Priority Flag  



Priority: value  





Non-priority (0) 

Bulk (0) 

Normal (0) 


Non-priority (0) 

Bulk (0) 

Normal (0) 


Non-priority (0) 

Bulk (0) 

Normal (0) 


Non-priority (0) 

Normal (1) 

Normal (0) 


Priority (1) 

Urgent (2) 

Urgent (2) 

The results from the combination of DEFAULT_PRIVACY and USE_HEADER_SENSITIVITY values are described in Table 4–34.





The SMS privacy flag is never set in SMS messages. 

n >=0 

The SMS privacy flag is always set to the value n. RFC822 Sensitivity: header lines are always ignored. 

-1 (default 

1 (default) 

The SMS message’s privacy flag is only set when the originating email message has an RFC822 Sensitivity: header line. In that case, the SMS privacy flag is set to correspond to the Sensitivity: header line’s value. This is the default.

n >= 0 

The SMS message’s privacy flag is set to correspond to the originating email message’s RFC822 Sensitivity: header line. If the email message does not have a Sensitivity: header line, then the value of the SMS privacy flag is set to n.

Table 4–35 describes the seven header lines used with the SET_SMS_SOURCE_ADDRESS option, their restrictions and SMS source address TON (if applicable) in decreasing preference.

Table 4–35 SET_SMS_SOURCE_ADDRESS Header Restrictions

Email message field  



1. Resent-reply-to: 



2. Resent-from: 



3. Reply-to: 



4. From: 


5. Resent-sender: 



6. Sender: 


7.Envelope From: 



Used as a last resort (that is, when the envelope From: address is empty) 


SMPP Protocol

The SMPP protocol options are associated with the use of the SMPP protocol over TCP/IP. The options with names beginning with the string “ESME_” serve to identify the MTA when it acts as an External Short Message Entity (ESME); that is, when the MTA binds to an SMPP server in order to submit SMS messages to the server’s associated SMSC. These options are described in Table 4–36.

Table 4–36 SMS Channel Options: SMPP Protocol



ESME_ADDRESS_NPI (Integer, 0-255)

ESME NPI to specify when binding to the SMPP server. By default, bind operations specify an ESME NPI value of zero indicating an unknown NPI. With this option, an alternate integer value in the range 0 to 255 may be assigned. See the description of the DEFAULT_DESTINATION_NPI option for a table of typical NPI values.

ESME_ADDRESS_TON (Integer, 0-255)

ESME TON to specify when binding to the SMPP server. By default, bind operations specify an ESME TON value of 0. With this option, an alternate integer value in the range 0 to 255 may be assigned. See the description of the DEFAULT_DESTINATION_TON option for a table of typical TON values.

ESME_IP_ADDRESS (String, 0-15 bytes)

IP address of the host running Messaging Server. When binding to the SMPP server, the bind PDU indicates that the client’s (that is, ESME’s) address range is an IP address. This is done by specifying a TON of 0x00 and an NPI of 0x0d. The value of the address range field is then set to be the IP address of the host running the SMS channel. Specify the IP address in dotted decimal format; for example,

ESME_PASSWORD (String, 0-9 bytes)

Password to present when binding to the SMPP server. If a password is required, then specify it with this option. By default, a zero-length password string is presented. 

ESME_SYSTEM_ID (String, 0-15 bytes)

System identification to present to the SMSC when binding. If a password is required, then specify it with this option. By default, a zero-length password string is presented. 

ESME_SYSTEM_TYPE (String, 0-12 bytes)

System type for the MTA to present to the SMSC when binding. By default, no system type is specified (that is, a zero-length string is used). 

MAX_PAGES_PER_BIND (Integer, >=0)

Maximum number of SMS messages to submit during a single session with an SMPP server. Some SMPP servers may limit the maximum number of SMS messages submitted during a single, bound session. In recognition of this, this option allows specification of the maximum number of SMS messages to submit during a single session. Once that limit is reached, the channel unbinds, closes the TCP/IP connection, re-connects, and then rebinds. 

By default, a value of 1024 is used for MAX_PAGES_PER_BIND. Note that the channel also detects ESME_RTHROTTLED errors and adjusts MAX_PAGES_PER_BIND during a single run of the channel accordingly.


Transmission sequence of multi-part SMS messages. When an email message generates more than one SMS message, those SMS messages can be submitted to the SMSC in sequential order (REVERSE_ORDER=0), or reverse sequential order (REVERSE_ORDER=1). Reverse sequential order is useful for situations where the receiving terminal displays the last received message first. In such a case, the last received message will be the first part of the email message rather than the last. By default, REVERSE_ORDER=1 is used.

Note that this option is ignored when USE_SAR=1 is specified.


Maximum number of simultaneous SMPP server connections per process. As each connection has an associated thread, this option also places a limit on the maximum number of “worker” threads per process. By default, SMPP_MAX_CONNECTIONS=20.

SMPP_PORT (Integer, 1-65535)

TCP port on which the SMPP server listens. The TCP port may be specified with either this option or the port channel keyword. This port number must be specified through either of these two mechanisms. If it is specified with both mechanisms, then the setting made with the SMPP_PORT option takes precedence. Note that there is no default value for this option.

SMPP_SERVER (String, 1-252 bytes)

Host name of the SMPP server to which to connect. By default, the IP host name of the SMPP server to which to connect is the official host name associated with the channel; that is, the host name shown on the second line of the channel’s definition in MTA’s configuration. This option may be used to specify a different host name or IP address which overrides that specified in the channel definition. When specifying an IP address, use dotted decimal notation; for example,

TIMEOUT (Integer, >=2)

Timeout for completion of read and write actions with the SMPP server. By default, a timeout of 30 seconds is used when waiting for data “writes” to the SMPP server to complete or for data to be received from the SMPP server. Use the TIMEOUT option to specify, in units of seconds, a different timeout value. The specified value should be at least 2 seconds.


The Localization options allow for localization of text fields inserted into SMS messages. These options are described in Table 4–37. In constructing SMS messages, the SMS channel has a number of fixed text strings it places into those messages. These strings, for example, introduce the email’s From: address and Subject: header line. With the channel options described below, versions of these strings may be specified for different languages and a default language for the channel then specified. This section of the option file appears as follows:




Within each [language=x] block, the localization options relevant to that language may be specified. If a particular option is not specified within the block, then the global value for that option is used. A localization option specified outside of a [language=x] block sets the global value for that option.

For the options listed below, the string values must be specified using either the US-ASCII or UTF-8 character sets. Note that the US-ASCII character set is a special case of the UTF-8 character set.

Table 4–37 SMS Channel Options: Localization



CONTENT_PREFIX (String, 0-252 bytes)

Text string to place in the SMS message before the content of the email message itself. Default global value is the US-ASCII string “Msg:”.


Formatting string for delivery delay notifications 


Formatting string for delivery failure notifications 


Formatting string for relay notifications. 


Formatting string to successful delivery notifications. 

FROM_FORMAT (String, 0-252 bytes)

Text to display indicating the originator of the email message. The default global value is the US-ASCII string “$a” which substitutes in the originator’s email address.

FROM_NONE (String, 0-252 bytes)

Text to display when there is no originator address to display. The default global value is an empty string. 

Note that normally, this option is never used as sites typically reject email messages which lack any originator address. 

LANGUAGE (String, 0-40 bytes)

Language group from which to select text fields. If not specified, the language is derived from the host’s default locale specification. If the host’s locale specification is not available or corresponds to “C” then i-default is used. (i-default corresponds to “English text intended for an international audience.”) 

LINE_STOP (String, 0-252 bytes)

Text to place at the end of each line extracted from the email message. The default global value is the US-ASCII space character. 

NO_MESSAGE (String, 0-252 bytes)

Text to indicate that the message contains no content. The default global value is the US-ASCII string “[no message]”.

REPLY_PREFIX (String, 0-252 bytes)

Reserved for future use. The default global value is the US-ASCII string “Re: “.

SUBJECT_FORMAT (String, 0-252 bytes)

Formatting template to format the content of the Subject: header line for display in the SMS message. The global default value for this option is the US-ASCII string “($s)”.

See the SUBJECT_NONE option for a description of the handling when there is no Subject: header line or the content of that header line is an empty string.

SUBJECT_NONE (String, 0-252 bytes)

Text to display when no subject exists for the email message, or the Subject: header line’s value is an empty string. The default global value for this option is the empty string. 


Debug: Enable verbose debug output.