Sun Java System Calendar Server 6.3 Administration Guide

22.1 Turning on Debugging Information for Calendar Server 6.3 Software

This section contains conceptual information and instructions on using logs and debugging to troubleshoot problems with your Calendar Server deployment.

While there is no one ics.conf parameter that puts the whole system in “debug mode”, this section describes some ways to get useful debug information:

Note –

Be sure to turn off excess logging and monitoring when not needed as it will negatively impact performance.

22.1.1 Increase Logging Level

Use the parameter shown in the following table to increase the verbosity of logging:


Description and Default Value 


Set to DEBUG to get all levels logged, including CRITICAL, ALERT, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, and INFORMATION. This applies to all logs.

22.1.2 Enable Logging Access to the LDAP Cache

To log all accesses of the LDAP data cache and print out the log (report) set the ics.conf parameters shown in the following table:


Description and Default Value 


Specifies whether or not to log the access to the LDAP data cache and to print statistics in the log file. The default is “no” (no statistics logged). Set to “yes” to enable logging of statistics.

For performance enhancement, use this only in debug mode. 


Specifies the interval in seconds when each statistics report is written to the log file. The default is “1800” seconds (30 minutes).

This is only active if logging is enabled. Decreasing the interval can help you pinpoint problems. Increasing the interval helps decrease system load. 

22.1.3 Clearing the LDAP Cache

There is currently no logic in Calendar Server to expire LDAP cache data. You must manually remove the contents of the ldap_cache directory and restart Calendar Server.

ProcedureTo Clear the LDAP Cache

  1. Stop Calendar Server.

  2. Remove all files in the /var/opt/SUNWics5/csdb/ldap_cache directory, but do not remove the ldap_cache directory itself.

  3. Restart Calendar Server.

22.1.4 WCAP Command and HTTP Access Logging

Two configuration parameters that facilitate debugging enable logging of incoming commands and HTTP accesses. Add one or both of these parameters to the ics.conf file to activate the logging:

Caution – Caution –

The log files can grow very quickly and fill the available disk space. Monitor them carefully to avoid problems. Choose a period of low activity on your systems to run with these commands enabled. Performance will drop noticeably if run during peak hours. Always disable the two commands when you are finished troubleshooting.

22.1.5 Monitor the System Using the Calendar Server 6.3 csstats Utility

Use the csstats list command to display statistical information from counter objects defined in the counter.conf file.

For more information on the csstats utility, see Appendix D, Calendar Server Command-Line Utilities Reference.