Sun Cluster Data Service for WebSphere Message Broker Guide for Solaris OS

Restriction for the WebSphere Message Broker additional software

WebSphere Message Broker requires WebSphere MQ and a database.

If you are installing WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker v5, the Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere Message Broker requires that the broker, queue manager and database are all registered within the same resource group. This implies that a remote database cannot be used for WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker v5.

This restriction is required because WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker v5 has very specific restart dependencies if the queue manager or database fails. More specifically, it is not possible for the cluster to manage the restart of a remote database that is outside of the cluster.

Table 2 describes the restart dependencies that the WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker v5 software has on additional software.

Table 2 WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker v5 restart dependencies


Intended Action 

Actual Action 


Broker Start 

Sun Cluster Broker resource restarted 

Broker Queue Manager 

Broker Stop 

Broker Queue Manager Start 

Broker Start 

Sun Cluster Queue Manager resource restarted 

Sun Cluster Broker resource restarted 

Broker Database 

Broker Stop 

Broker Queue Manager Stop 

Broker Database Start 

Broker Queue Manager Start 

Broker Start 

Sun Cluster Database resource restarted 

Sun Cluster Queue Manager resource restarted 

Sun Cluster Broker resource restarted 

If you are installing WebSphere Message Broker v6, the restart dependency for the broker database listed in Table 2 is no longer required. This implies that a remote database can be used for WebSphere Message Broker v6. WebSphere Message Broker and WebSphere MQ are still required to be registered within the same resource group.

Note –

The broker database needs to be available for WebSphere Message Broker v6 to fully initialize. Therefore if you are deploying a remote broker database you must consider the availability of the broker database and the impact that can have on the broker if the broker database is not available.